Start Here| The Corridor C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby Regardless of how you arrived at level 9, whether by lift or staircase, the first thing which greets you is a long corridor. You may or may not sense a change in temperature as you walk through the scarcely lit area as the air here is very still. Just about the only other moving thing in the space are the flames which eminate from the walls, but you might also find a wizard or two passing this way to a trial for there is a flight of stairs heading toward the Courtrooms to the left.
Strange that the Ministry's Courtrooms should ask that one travel through one of the most secretive Departments in all of the Ministry. It isn't particularly easy to get lost here, but whatever you do don't try to go through the black door unless you happen to be an Unspeakable. OOC: Any character from any department, or even the general magical community may be RP'd here, but if he or she wishes to get into the Department of Mysteries proper they should wait for an Unspeakable to assist them. He or she could get lost or possibly in a fix with security.
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