<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Another yawn escaped her lips. It wasn't as if her companions were boring her, it was quite the opposite. Benny was outright entertaining. She was still just trying to wake up. "You are not always like this." Leave it to AJ to just blurt out whatever came to mind. Her mind flashed back to Benny barely speaking and forever turning red. While Benny has managed to come out of his shell since dating Angel, this was extreme. "Wait until I tell my sister that you've gone looney tunes." Then again, Angel could be pretty looney tunes herself. Maybe this was her doings after all.
Annnnd he was yelling again. What were they supposed to be invited to? Was this a party? Yes, Benny... we ARE here. Are you here? "Heeeeeey. I want some hot chocolate too." AJ was still here, ya know." "And I want a new cup... NEW CUP... NEW CUP too." It was only fair.