I suppose there's a job opening at Hogwarts

or no Arithmancy classes
Originally Posted by Headmisstress
Oh ho ho, just in time, Anastasia was just in time.... She could hear the commotion coming from the Arithmancy professor's room all the way from her stone gargoyles, but now that she was here... with her original copied copies of journal entries in hand... Annie was definitely going to watch the spectacle.
"Good to see you again, Chosen," the redhead poked into the office, not at all bothering to disguise her delight. She flicked her eyes over toward the MLE woman, Emily... she was doing a great job over there. Great job. "Browne, thank you for coming in today...." Of course.
And then there she was, en route out the door. Bunz naturally blocked Lolita's departure and spared her a glance as icy as the school had been last year. "Domingo.... I have two words for you... you're fired."
BOOM. DONE. End of story, right?