SPOILER!!: Zahra
Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
It worked.
ZAHRA BEGAN AN IMMEDIATE VICTORY DANCE! She ran over to that OTHER RAVENCLAW that had SMASHED A DESK on the troll's head and gave her a HUG! JASMINE CLAW GIRL. YEAH!
V I C T O R Y D A N C E T I M E! OoooOooOooo yeeeeeeeeeah!
"Man, Professor C DID YOU SEE THAT?!?? The troll was all GRROOOOOWWWWLLLL and we were all ahhhhhhh and then you were all GET BACK and we were all BOOM BAM SMASH YOUR FACE IN...." Oh man, COOLEST DAY EVER! Zahra was VIBRATING with excitement. BRING ON ANOTHER TROLL! BRING IT! TROLL BOGEY SOUP FOR DINNER!
"But for real, where'd that troll go? I wanted my picture taken with it." To send to Mikey Toussaint WHO WOULD NEVER BELIEVE THIS REALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!!
Troll down! Thank Merlin. Jasmine breathed a huge sigh of relief. The troll was subdued and they were all safe. Then it went poof and disappeared. What? Was that even possible? Could things be any more bizarre?
The next thing Jasmine knew, she was getting a hug from Zahra the Troll Slayer.
"You did it. That was great thinking." Zahra had really come through and saved the day.......and off she went doing her dance. Jasmine looked around to make sure that all of her Claws were safe. Then she saw Sophie......frozen. What happened?