SPOILER!!: This!
Originally Posted by
Charely Potter
Now what was going on back there?
Javy's face went blank at some of the reactions as he got up to make his way over. Lovely.. A student had just thrown up. Least it was out on the grounds. Lazily he flicked his wand toward the vile on the ground cleaning it up right away before the smell could reach any others.
Now who was the unlucky student? Took a few moments before the name from the roster jogged his memory. "Mr. Banner.. are you going to be okay to continue on the lesson with us?" The kid was looking quite pale. A chocolate frog usually was offered in these circumstances unless he had the stomach flu. Which meant he would need to get it taken care of. "If not.. I suggest you head on back and make your way to the Hospital Wing immediately." It was his choice really.
Once that was more or less being taken care of, it was time to move on ahead. Making his way back to the original table he was on.
"Alright. Now today we'll be capturing some Fairies and of course you'll be needing some jars to hold them in." Javier was pleased to see how many brought their own today. "No matter if you don't have one, there's some spare ones here." Using his feet to push the box full of them from under the benches into full view. There were also the familiar sparkling glitter gloves wedged in too just in case.. "Just make sure to clean them." Since they were looking on the dirty side inside of them.
"Now whenever you're ready with your gloves and jar, head on inside." With that the Professor went on over to one of the bushes to push through, making an entry point for them as he waited next to the opening. They were free to move in now.
OOC: As instructed, take the/your jar and enter through the bushes. Next post will be around 12-2pm EST. =)
Gabriel........honestly didn't think he could walk. His inners felt like liquid and...
gross. He felt gross.
Vomiting was the WORST. FEELING. ON. THE. PLANET.
Of course, being that it was the worst feeling on the planet, it still seemed lackluster compared to the EMBARRASSMENT he currently felt....Especially since.....he didn't think he could get back up to the castle on his own.
.............and Gabe kinda wanted to cry. There was that, too.
Face flushed and pale, he rolled over onto his stomach, shakily getting up on his knees. He limbs were trembling so bad, there was no way he'd be able to stand. Let alone walk.
No, he was done for the day. He needed to...go...but he couldn't physically go.
Frustration. There was so much frustration...