This was SERIOUS, so serious that the Gryffindor was determined to walk the length of the corridor a million times if she had to. Up and down ALL 142 stairs that were in this bloody castle that ATE things! You lose consciousness for a week or two and suddenly you can't find your most prized possessions next to your kneazle--and she couldn't find him either at first so that wasn't saying much!! One way or another, she'd find them, she NEEDED to.
"Adhaero." That way NO ONE could just rip it off the board in hopes no one else saw it. People had the cunning. There were idiots here but some had more than average intelligence on an off day. She wouldn't take the chance.
Thwack! Right on there.
She scribbled her name on each at the end, so people who didn't already know her wand and candy bag would know who to contact. And now to go pasting this elsewhere.