Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Character's Name and Year: Thornton Baines, First
Character's Condition and/or Symptoms: Maybe ate a bad sandwich!?
Accompanied to the Hospital Wing with: no one
Cause/s of injuries: Ate the same food at Alexa Cambridge and she's gone completely mad
Link to post where injury or illness happened: the act of eating is
I have read the RULES: AmbiguouslyMe
Healer Murdoch tried not to laugh as she looked over the sign in sheet. Everyone knew that Cambridge was not a normal girl. She didn't have to eat anything to be mad, it was just how she was. And now, here was this little first year thinking he was going mad because he ate the same food as the headgirl.
Keeping her laughter in check, the healer called the boy back.
"Thornton Baines, you can come back now."