Sophie Brown
September 5th, 2084
Astronomy Notes
Studying Astronomy...
- Feeds our curiosity
- Opens our minds to possibilities
- Helps us gain an understanding of things greater than us and where we come from
- Gives us insight to places beyond our imagination
- Is never boring with Flamsteed
* New goal before graduation: see the Northern Lights at Hogwarts
Textbook definition of Astronomy: the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole
-> More of an "umbrella term"
-> We learn not only about the universe at large, but about ourselves -> Also study it to save lives
-> Congratulate Tobes later on getting his desk jumped on
* There are weird-looking people on the screen
* Star Trek vs Star Wars????
* Ethan is very passionate about the Wars one
* Kyroh's answers are entirely underrated
* Dear Merlin please don't let us be quizzed on these characters
* Star
TREK must be the one Flamsteed likes so much
How could one demote Earth from its status as a planet?
-> One who thinks they could successfully do this does not just share it aloud with the class
-> It can't be so easily destroyed - 4.54 billion years old, lots of zeroes in tons in weight, built to last
-> Making the earth inhabitable wouldn't remove its planetary status
International Astronomical Union definition of a planet:
1) orbits sun
2) sufficient mass to be round/nearly round
3) not a satellite of another object
4) has removed debris/small objects from the area around its orbit
-> Black hole theory is unrealistic
-> No blowing it up
-> Asteroid impact could happen
"Fingere Elementi" - creates planet from the provided colored sand bag
-> WM: Jab toward bag
-> Bag contains ground-up stone, iron, and ???
"Locomotor planet" - moves the planet where you want it to go
-> WM: Point wand at the planet
-> Asteroid belt b/w Mars & Jupiter
-> If something hit the asteroids, they could fall toward Mars, Jupiter, or the Sun
-> For being an athletic guy, Tobes is no good at coordination
-> Ravenclaw is the new Gryffindor
-> Sorry, professor (<- added after receiving your feedback)