Potions Year-long Activity!
Want to earn a chance to work with Professor Culloden privately and learn some cool potions? Want to be recommended to the most distinguished potions community? This is your chance!
All you have to do is brewing a Un-Felix Un-Felicis potion that you can also use against your enemies! It is the exact opposite of Felix Felicis - causes a complete lack of luck. If you are interested, do not waste any more time but head to the Potions Lab right away, and begin brewing!
The deadline is March 15. For the recipe, please look below. For any questions, visit or send an owl to me.
Text Cut: Recipe
- a litre of goat milk
- 1 strand of thestral mane
- bicorn horn
- full, undamaged mussel shell
- one black cat's fur
- caterpillar
- 13 rose thorns from 13 different roses (plucked ripe from the branches)
- Pre-heat the cauldron to 150 celcius degrees
- Put one litre of goat milk
- Add the thestral mane
- Wait for two hours
- Put out the fire and wait for it to cool down
- Crush the bicorn horn into a fine powder in the meantime and add it once the potion is cool enough for you to touch
- Check point: it should be cool in maximum 15 minutes
- With a wooden stick, stir it five times clockwise, four times counter clockwise, three times clockwise, two times counter clockwise and once clockwise.
- Light a fire and bring it to maximum. Let it burn for a full week. Make sure the fire is always at maximum.
- Clean the mussel shell gently, make sure there is no moss on it. open it, remove the mussel itself and clean its inside too, then add into the cauldron after a week is up.
- Put out the fire and wait for one Moon cycle
- Check point: the colour should be silver
- Sprinkle half of the fur
- With a metal stick, stir vigorously 13 times counter clockwise
- Sprinkle the other half of the fur
- Stir slowly 13 times counter clockwise
- Check point: it should smell like your least favourite flower
- Wait for a week
- Slice the caterpillar into five equal pieces and add the one by one
- Swirl your wand slowly over the cauldron while telling an event you think is unfortunate (the number of swirls doesn't matter, just don't stop until the end of the story)
- Light a low fire and wait for 13 days
- Get 13 rose thorns from 13 different roses in the gardens and add them all at once
- With a metal stick, stir once clockwise
- Wait until it changes colour from green to brown
- Label it and leave a vial it on the desk
- Do NOT! try it without my consent.
- If you have done everything correctly, it shouldn't smell or smoke. Its taste should not spoil the substances it is added.
OOC: This is this term's potions event! It is not obligatory. It is open to everyone. Most likely I will not award points, as this is something for character development and a bit of fun (if your character slipped some into his/her friend's cup? ).
I want at least 5 posts in the Potions Laboratory and 2 posts on the grounds collecting rose thorns. The OOC deadline is November 5. You don't have to notify me of your participation, but please title your posts in the lab with "Potions Activity". You don't have to PM your posts in the lab, but you should PM the posts on the grounds. Instead of double-posting, you CAN edit your next post into the previous one if no one has posted in the lab in 3 days. Otherwise, please do not edit unless it is YOUR mistake and not your character's.
I hope you have fun with this! As always, you can PM any and all questions.