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Old 08-10-2013, 11:26 PM
hpluvr037 hpluvr037 is offline
Default The Practice Pitch

When not in use, the pitch is open to students and staff alike. Here is the place to practice your Quidditch skills before attending team tryouts or to simply take a joy ride. No Quidditch equipment is available for use. Anyone who wishes to use any Quidditch equipment must get permission from Professor Tanner before borrowing it from the broomshed. Failure to abide by this simple and practical safety rule will result in loss of House points. Those who repeatedly break this rule will receive detention and/or lose privileges to be on the practice pitch.

Once the Quidditch season officially begins, or if it begins, team Captains can contact Professor Tanner to reserve the field for practices and non-team members can watch practices occur. When practices aren't in session, the pitch is open for all students and staff.