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Eden watched as the older girl waltzed back, oooozing grace and eloquence--Wow. Eden had never noticed before, but, Justine was definitely cool. And also very pretty. And like, a LADY and stuff. The smirk on the girl's face was the answer Eden needed--she had gotten it right!
She grinned and held up the bag of Hershey Kisses. "Here. Take as MANY as you want," she said. "I need to go try again, eh?" She wanted to make sure that she was getting good at this whole...riddle thing. "So..it just comes easily to you?" she asked softly. "I've had to try so hard just to get one riddle." There MAY be a little jealousy there, hmm?
Eden tucked some of her hair behind her ear...and smirked. "So..hows the boyfriend? Ian?" she asked, winking. Ian was nowhere NEAR Justine's boyfriend, BUT...it was fun to tease the French girl about it. hehehe.
The smirk softened to a a playful grin. "In zat case, I'll take all of zem," Justine said, taking the whole bag from the younger girl's paler hands and plopping them into her lap, she casually unwrapped one and popped into her mouth. Justine chuckled. "Only if you really vant, you shouldn't vorry yourself about it." As funny as it would be to watch Eden struggle with the knocker's riddle, Justine wasn't feeling very mean today, and as she liked the sweet, and funny Eden, she decided to be nice. At the girl's next words Justine shrugged, and leaned back into the couch. "Pretty much... I zink maybe you try too 'ard, zee knocker isn't about proving 'ow brilliant you are, it's about making you zink outside zee box... You don't need to answer zee riddle perfectly, because zere is rarely a perfect answer."
Ian. Just the sound of the boy's name was enough to put Justine in a bad mood. Haughtily, Justine flipped back her long hair. "Ian wishes," Justine arrogantly said. "I tried to strangle 'im a few days ago, but 'e just liked it." The faux-Parisian casually added, as if her attempt to murder the boy had been totally normal.