Fan Club Officer
 MO & DMT Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 4,293
Second Year x10
| RIAN <3 sorry I'm so late :( Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Tiffany straightened up her skirt as she made her way towards the seating area. She wanted PRIME seating. So naturally, she had to head towards the seats to find herself one in the very front. But, honestly, she didn't care about this whole flying carpet thing. Actually, she didn't really care about it at all. Sure if the law did change, then she'd buy herself a couple of nice fancy ones, but she wouldn't actually use them. PFT NO. They'd merely be for decoration, next to her fine persian rugs. A fashion statement. That's all.
But anyways, speaking about fashion, the only reason she wanted to sit near the front was so that everyone could notice her elegant attire for the evening. She of course went for the lilac dress that complimented her eyes, while also opting for the silver sparkly heels that matched her earring set. Keeping it classy 'cause that's just how she rolled. Except, eew she'd never roll on the floor! It could ruin her skin.
But right, anyways. It was also so that people could congratulate her on her employee of the month status because she still hadn't received enough compliments on that!! So the invitation to the event was more of an excuse to wear her new dress and her professional title. MHM. She made her way to one of the elegant tables in the front, making sure to click-clack her heels as she did so. Everyone needed to know that she had arrived. If one looked really closely at Bhuvana's face as she entered the seating area, one might be able to detect the slightest bit of excitement and even a trace of a smile. Bhuvana was actually interesting in what was going to be said in this debate, and she had a notebook to take notes on the way the people answered questions and discussed things and what they needed to improve on and what she could learn from their public speaking. She beelined it to the front tables, ignoring the fact that they might've been reserved for someone important. But she was the most important, anyway.
She sat down at a prime table, center and front. She placed the notebook down elegantly, which tooootally made up for the fact that she was wearing jeans. They were black jeans, at least. Her head slowly turned as she heard the clicking of what sounded like really expensive shoes.
They were. She eyed the woman, her strutting-ness, and the employee of the month badge. And took mental notes. |