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The Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales
Sitting on its shelf in the damp and dusty Restricted Section of the library, a leather bound book with golden filigree and lettering begins glowing as it senses a curious spirit approaching. Finally free after all those years of being trapped on the back of the shelf behind spellbooks on hexes and dark arts, the Fairy Tale Book of Fairy Tales wiggled itself free from its chains with an airy giggle and fell to the floor at the girl’s feet. Its inviting glow and beautiful cover are so irresistible that the book truly seems to be calling to her to pick it up.
Yes, come on now, pick me up! Pick me up and see what fantastic things await!
So, uh... books are throwing themselves at our Head Girl. (or, at least, A book)
Edit to add:
Also, it seems like our Headmistress and some of the male staffers are "investigating" Professor Domingo and trying to figure out what she was doing in the forest last term.
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Good, they were all in. Anastasia made calm and cool eye contact with each man, giving them all nods before she spoke again. Now, she was looking at Piers first.
"I am thinking that we need a closer watch." She raised her brows slightly. "We need to know what SHE was thinking when she went into that forest. And I think the only way to do that is to investigate her on a personal level. I'm talking office, belongings, diary, clothing, any and all spells used by her wand... whatever you can find, I'll take and turn in to the authorities. Do not hold back. Do you have something in mind?"
A little B&E never hurt nobody. And with that sentiment, she looked to Javy and Cossy.