Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium So the Earth wouldn't be destroyed anytime soon? Good. That made Hady feel much better about it all and she sat herself up straighter.
She watched the Professor remove a bag of sand from a box and change it into a planet with a simple spell! So awesome! Hearing that they would all get to do the same she got to her feet and made her way to the front of the room taking a green bag of sand and promptly returning to her seat.
Sitting down she watched some of the others attempt the spell first to get a feel of what those that did it incorrectly had done wrong. As well as what those doing it right had done. Thinking she understood this she pulled out her wand.
Clearing her throat quietly she firmly jabbed her wand at the bag of sand in her hand and stated. "Fingere Elemenit." Nothing happened. Sighing softly she decided to try again. If it didn't work then she'd ask someone for help.
Here goes nothing. "Fingere Elemenit!!" She exclaimed more clearly this time as she jabbed her wand firmly at the bag of sand. Right before her eyes a loud POP was heard startling the small girl whom jumped slightly at the sound. As the sand began to swirl around and form a green planet she smiled happily quite proud of herself.
Watching the 'planet' for several moments she turned her attention to her housemates to see how the rest of them had done. |