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sweetpinkpixie Hmmm...well...he would have been entirely too optimistic if he had expected them to get it all right on the first go. And sweet solstice did Mr. Baines seem the sort that could REALLY benefit from the use of this charm. He was packing Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop in his pockets!
"Right, well, I probably should have demonstrated first before setting the two of you loose," he said, clearing his throat as he bent over to slip his sock off as well. Better tool for demonstrating...and made for a good puppet in a pinch to avoid unnecessary awkwardness. Pulling his sock over his left hand he looked down at Pebbles who was still sitting on the floor. Probably thinking she was forgotten.
"Here, Mr. Baines, you hold Pebbles for just a moment so she is safely out of the way," he instructed as he handed the rock to him. Just in case the fibers in his sock were to have a less than favorable reaction to be further enchanted.
"Let's avoid use of the term fail, shall we. Sets the brain up to think negative things when spellcasting requires the positive," he continued, speading his legs shoulder's width apart and holding his left hand up as though his sock were in fact a puppet. "Magnus Centrum," he commanded, giving the sock on his hand a tap. He then began to pull at the hem until the sock came up to his shoulder but still retained its original sock-y shape. "TADA!"
Thornton winced instinctively as Dante's wand flew across the corridor. Well, at least Thornton had managed to hold on to the wand. But... was Flamsteed taking off his sock now? Merciful Merlin, that man was odd.
Oh. And Pebbles. Thornton reached up from his seated position on the floor to receive the rock!pet and cradled her in both hands. Lowering them to his lap, he wasn't exactly sure what else to do with her. What if something... fell off?? Would Flamsteed blame him if Pebbles lost an ear, for example? So he held her gingerly, his concentration divided between Pebbles and the demonstration.
But then, oh, ew. Thornton's nose twitched when the man put the sock on his hand.
HOLY KNEAZLES. Thornton's eyes went wide. Flamsteed's arm had disappeared into the sock and so it looked as if the man had a sock at the end of a stump.
Thornton held Pebbles and looked at Dante. He'd try it now, yes?