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Candles and stuff. Chandeliers. Super nice table. Flowers.
The whole nine yards. Bianca hummed to herself as she walked. And what was C-Squared even doing?!
"Merlin's beard! SLOW DOWN." Because what if they jogged and accidentally passed the door that led to this room of requirement? How horrible would that be? That was not allowed. They had come so far and it was not going to fail now. Bianca Evelyn Caruso would not allow of it! She jogged to catch up though, keeping the image of a perfectly elegant room in her mind.
It was a bit hard to jog and think up a gorgeous image though...
Nice cream tablecloth and matching plates and stuff. Wow. That would be pretty. "Also how far before we decide it's not here?"
Beezey! Interrupting the master of masters at finding something he wanted!
Chance grunted in answer to Beezey's slow down. he would not! Finding this door and that fancy dinner, would be amazing! Chance was an impatient person. Beezey ran to catch up with him, and just to keep her up with him, and to stop the interruptions of his mind scaring the door into exsistence, Chance grabbed Beezey's hand.
Come on slow poke. If we go down this corridor and nothing appears we will just have to rethink our plan of action!" He said.
Fancy pillows. Nice tables. Candles. Drapery. Pinky finger up!