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Léopold looked over as he heard someone else enter the space. Was that a Cairo WU shirt he spotted? When the guy stepped closer he was very proud to be right...and he looked kind of familiar.
He nodded at the man (Tiberius) "'ello. You look familiar. Do you work for zee univerzity?" He pointed to the clearly older man's shirt. He was not one to just forget a face. Léopold nodded as another one joined them (Nigel). Not really much else to say. A simple head nod for a greeting was enough for him.
...and then there were even more people. Good. That meant that they would be starting to and he could play with the dragons. Well, after training of course. Hopefully that bit didn't take tooo long. There was someone who looked like he might be a person in charge (William) and then look at that. Finally a girl (Freya). And then a lady with a clipboard (Harmony). And then more people and another in charge looking person. Did they need to check in? Léo shrugged it off and decided to just wait until he was told to do something.
Léo spotted that girl Charlotte that he'd talked to about the seminar. Might as well stick with a somewhat familiar face. Even though he still swore he knew that one guy from somewhere. "'ello mademoiselle. Fancy seeing you 'ere." Smirk. Obviously he was joking around.
Tiberius nodded to the others as the arrived, but noticed that he was being addressed by the first person who had been there.
"Uh, sort of?" he offered by way of
"I'm a graduate assistant, so while I'm doing advanced studies I help out in the department office, sometimes assist a professor with a course, that sort of thing." But he looked familiar? Tiberius looked him over. He was pretty good about remembering student he'd been a teaching assistant for, so that wasn't it.
He shifted his bag on his shoulder.
"But today I'm here to learn, same as the rest of you." He nodded to the others who were obviously students, not to the ones he could tell (or hoped) were the instructors.
"Are you a student in Cairo?"