Okay so what had everyone been doing that meant they couldn't even stay awake for a few moments staring at balls? Ruby wasn't sleepy at all in fact, and her mind was happily clear of almost everything except for the things she wouldn't mind seeing in the crystal you know?
Originally Posted by
hermionesclone 'Keeping them cleansed keeps the ball working properly.'
Grayson lost it. Any sense of maturity was gone while the fifth year snorted and then burst out into a fit of silent laughter. His shoulders shook and he had to to cover his mouth with his hand to stop the laughter from escaping. Did Professor Cassie realise how bad that sounded? Oh MAN, there were going to be tears, if he wasn't careful. Concentrating on seeing images in the crystal ball was going to be HARD.
LOL, what maturity?
A couple of deep breaths later and the boy had finally gotten his laughter to die down enough to notice the expression on a certain fourth year's face. UGH. He wasn't meant to CARE. Not THIS much. Jeez, Sophie Newell. He kept his gaze on her, a small smile on his lips and a raised eyebrow look on his face. Something told him that he'd have to deal with whatever was going on over there. Comfort her or whatever it was.
And.............. then the lights dimmed, meaning that he couldn't see much of the girl's face even if he wanted to. It also meant that he felt a little something from a certain someone sitting near him. Grayson bit down on his bottom lip and closed his eyes. Clear his mind of all thoughts? Nope. Not possible. Not happening while Ruby was being very........ "Distracting." Not that HE was complaining.
Girls, man. Gotta love 'em.
Yeah. Fine. Breathing. TRY and clear his mind of all thought.
Gasp. Distracting?
Ruby peeked at him out of the corner of her eye and smiled innocently. SOMEONE had an overactive imagination, clearly. Not that she blamed him considering... everything.
Ruby leaned on her hand a little and looked into her crystal ball...
oh look, mist!