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Paris listened intently to everything that the older boy was saying, replaying it in his mind. They got to DRAW in lessons. That would make classes so much easier for him, not to mention more enjoyable. "'s hard for me to focus too. On anything but drawing and painting stuff." Which was why he didn't really feel all that much like a Ravenclaw, but no one was trying to kick him and he had BEGGED to be here, so no complaining from this kid. "Those classes sound awesome!" The question now was just figuring out which ones those where. "Are all the classes like that?"
Grinning proudly, he nodded and opened his sketchbook to the first page. It was new and only filled with sketches of all things Hogwarts. The first thing being the great hall on opening feast night, though it was more an imitation of how Paris had viewed that night more than how it actually had been, and so the sketch had been more romanticized. "Been drawing before I learned to write. 's my favorite thing. I do all types of art." It was the one thing that came easy to him, and that his parents had supported and allowed in some of his homeschooling.
Crossing his legs, he eagerly took up the spot beside his new friend, turning to a new page in his book and pulling out a pencil to draw with. "'s nice. People are friendly an' all." Which was not what he had been told, but then you couldn't trust everything that Dora told you. Or his actual cousins sometimes. "You're one of those badgers?"
"A few of them. Usually in the homework assignments," Toby nodded.
"Airey, he teaches Astronomy, lets us be creative. And once in Care of Magical Creatures we had to draw ourselves with an augurey from class." Heh. That had been pretty cool; Toby had some awesome memories from that class, and it was pretty difficult not to go off singing the praises of most of his professors.
"Sometimes in class I do little drawings in my notes next to the important things, so I remember them." Maybe that could help Paris out, 'cause he had the concentration problem too. In a way Toby was glad to have found someone who had a similar issue as he did, but at the same time understood just how frustrating it could get.
"Wow," Toby said in something akin to awe, looking eagerly at the sketchbook when Paris opened it.
"That's so cool! You're super talented, but I bet you already knew that." All these Ravenclaws and all of this TALENT. What a good bunch.
Toby's own drawing/diagram of the fanged geranium was almost finished by this point. Next he wanted to get some more detail in and identify all the proper names of the parts, which was going to take a little more time. He got started with that while Paris got settled beside him, finding that it was possible (even easy) to carry on the conversation whilst focusing on the plant. So THIS was multitasking? 'Cause it was awesome, dead useful too.
"Yeah, there's a real good bunch here. I don't think I've met anyone I don't like, and this is my fifth year here." GREAT RIGHT? Toby thought so. He leaned riiiiiight in the geranium, as close as he dared get, and squinted at the fangs. Before his had a chance to chomp on his nose the Hufflepuff leaned back again and added that to his drawing.
"Uh huh. I'm a Hufflepuff. Unafraid of toil and all that." Grinning.
"I saw you get sorted to Ravenclaw.