Originally Posted by
hermionesclone 'Now the way we get our lessons started is we like to become super positive...'
......................... No. No. NO!
Become super positive? Did he LOOK like the kind of guy who can be positive at this time? Sure, he was in his pyjamas, but that wasn't the point. And what was worse was that Professor Cassie went ahead and mentioned that word. The 's' word. SNAPS. Grayson groaned and rolled his eyes because he was just that dramatic and HATED this part of the class.
Yeah yeah, snaps for you and you and extra snaps for Ruby and her moment of pride. Because one of the ones the Divination professor had read out HAD to be--
Oh hellooooooooooo! It was nice to see you again. Uh huh!
Grayson smirked in the general direction of one Sophie Newell and even gave her a wink before he was distracted from her face by a nudge from another pretty face. Hellooooooooo to you too, Ruby. The significant looks? The fifteen year old raised an eyebrow but kept the smirk right in place, almost daring her to ask whatever it was she was trying to imply. Go on, Ruby, do your worst.
And the question? Crystalomancy. Because there were Crystal balls here. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. But Grayson was't going to put up his hand to say it, not when many other people had said it as well and certainly not when some people were coming out with some gems of an answer.
Of course it was her snaps. Of course! And no shame about it either even if she had edited it a bit so that she wasn't using certain words that probably would have got her into more trouble.
She leaned over and whispered in Grayson's ear, just a few quick questions and a slyyyy look over at that girl. Wasn't she
sweet? Oh and by the way... Ruby whispered something ELSE in Gray's ear then straightened up and looked toward the professor, an expression of innocence falling in place.
Obviously she was paying attention. Crystal balls. Yes.