SPOILER!!: ugh so cute
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Mornings were not Clara's thing at ALL.
Especially when she'd repeatedly woken up during the night, so hadn't really slept very well. Nothing was new there, though. She was just relieved that she hadn't had a nightmare and woken up screaming that night. That definitely wouldn't have been a great first impression for her roomies, buuut it was likely that they would have to get used to it happening every now and then.
Clara glanced across at Eden as they walked out of the Great Hall and mustered up a little smile. How her friend was so happy and awake at this time was beyond her, but she was glad because it was putting in an ever so slightly better mood. Though she was still quite groggy. "Oh .... nope, I don't think so," she said, stifling a yawn. "You think so?" Interesting. That was pretty much the opposite of her. "I don't think I'm going to like those subjects much. I think potions is going to be more my thing." ..... Another thought. "Maybe you could help me out with Herbology stuff?" There was no doubt that she would at least need emotional support putting herself through subjects that she wasn't fond of.
The redhead stifled another yawn as thoughts circled her head.
.... Not good thoughts ..... not good thoughts at all ...
She frowned, then snapped her head up when Eden started speaking again. Was she doing okay? She ... didn't want to lie and say yes, so she considered her words carefully. "I'm ... not sure, really. I'm just really tired right now, you know?" This feeling that she had in the mornings and late at night usually disappeared fairly quickly. "I'll be okay, though," she assured her, throwing her a weak grin. "What about you, Eden?" Because that mattered a great deal, too.
As did food ... food mattered a LOT ....
She snatched up the bagel, GRINNED, and took a bite. "Thank you, Edeeeeeen. Edie. Denny. Dennyyyyyyy."
Eden smiled.
"Then I just said--I love it. I can't be TRAPPED INSIDE. Did you hear what happened last year? Here at Hogwarts? They were FROZEN INSIDE THE CASTLE." Her mouth was open in a wiiiiide O as she thought of the HORRRRROR.
"I would have DIED." She was fifteen and allowed to be DRAMATIC okay?
She then nodded.
"Yeah. I'm better at magic that doesn't...require magic." She sighed and looked down at her feet as she walked, chewing her bagel quietly.
"I'm actually really lousy at magic. I feel like...I don't know." She shrugged and didn't say anything else about that. She knew it wasn't because she was half-blood, but she couldn't get what her uncle had said out of her brain. UGH.
"Yeah. I'd love that." She smiled and nodded at Clara.
"If you help me with potions. Ugh. I am SO lousy." She said and just..felt so inferior. She needed to stop this pity party NOW. Her eyes looked ahead of them. The path was empty...perfect for them to just relax and enjoy the morning.
"I just. Meh. I get nervous when I have to do serious magic...and potions--well--I get so CONFUSED. And don't follow directions well because I just--don't understand potions books half the time.." AND CUE SIGH.
"But it's okay. I'll be good at...something I'm sure." Maybe she was blabbing. UGH WAS SHE TALKING TOO MUCH?! But that's what girls DID right?! THEY TALKED A LOT.
Clara was yawning a lot, and Eden wished she had found some coffee somewhere. Or tea. Oops. She yawned, too, and giggled.
"I caught your yawnies."
She looked ahead when Clara started talking. Hmm.
"Tired? Yeah. I am tired, too. But not in the..sleepy way. All these new faces and stuff...I'm worn out," she smiled nervously over at her.
"I'm okay. I miss Durmstrang a lot. I miss Ed--" and she stopped short and just blushed.
"I miss a good friend of mine." There. If she thought too much about Edward she might cry.
"And a few others from there but..." she shrugged. "
I will see them again soon. I hope." She was having...thoughts.
"I miss my parents, too. Dad had just gotten home three weeks before I left." She didn't feel like it was enough TIME. "I have to send them an owl later today." Once classes were all over and done.
Eden's smile was drawn across her face. DENNY?! Eden LOVED it. Her big ole' mouth was open wide in that toothy grin, and she couldn't help but hug Clara.
"You're welcome. I hope we stay friends." For...like ever. Or maybe just a long time. Forever sounded creepy. She let go and just kept walking.
"Now I need to name YOU...HMMMM..." she smirked as she wondered..Clara...Clara...Clara Wilde...
"I'm terrible with nicknames, my GOSH."