Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink  DANTE BARRINGTON {Basics} Name: Dante Barnabas Barrington Nicknames: N/A Age: 11 Birthday: January 1st , 2073 Year: 1st House: Slytherin Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland Blood Status: Half-Blood {Appearence} Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Height: 4' 9" (1.45 m) {Magical Stuff} Wand: 10 ¾ inch spinnable Rowan with Phoenix Feather Boggart: N/A Patronus: N/A {Family} Father: Hendrik Barrington Mother: Camilla Barrington Brother: Nigel Barrington {Hobbies} Skateboarding
Crazy Random Things {Personality} Dante enjoys having fun,
He is prone to trying to do tricks on his skateboard or bike that he knows he can't do and results in broken bones.
He likes making jokes, enjoying life and trolling people.
He is inquisitive and will ask questions when told to do things and does not trust people until he knows them.
__________________  -------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside. |