Zoe Tillstorm
Model: Isabella Fuhrman Basic Info Age: 16
Birthday: December 22, 2068
Parents: Mother: Ariana (Mayfield) Tillstorm
Father: Garret Tillstorm (is brothers with Cece's father and Jacen's father)
Siblings: Brother: Eric Tillstorm
Other Family: Cousins: Cecelia Tillstorm (calls her auntie, because of the difference in age)
Cousin: Jacen and Romulus Tillstorm
Uncle: Loki Tillstorm
Aunt: Athena (Walker) Tillstorm
Relationship Status: Boyfriend: Daniel Reeves
Birthplace/Hometown: London, England
Current Residence: London, England
Heritage: Pureblood
School Info House (or School Attended if not Hogwarts): Slytherin
Year: 6th
Favorite Classes: CoMC, Potions, Flying
Least Favorite Classes: Herbology, Ancient Runes
Extracurricular Activities: Quidditch
OWLs Received In: Astronomy - A, Ancient Runes - A, Care of Magical Creatures - E, Charms - O, DADA - E, Herbology - O, Potions - O, Transfiguration - E
NEWTs Received In: TBA
More Info Wand: 9 1/2 inches, cherry wood, knarl quill, balanced
Boggart: Acromantula
Patronus: Owl
Personality: Sweet girl, doesn't mess around mostly, is a bit mischievous though
Things they Love: Lollies, Ice cream, Animals, Water, Meeting people, Staying active
Things they Hate: mean people, Laura, lying, grapes
Dreams for the Future: To Graduate Hogwarts and work with Dragons!
Appearance: Hair: dark brown, fairly long
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 ft 2 in
Weight: 105 lbs
Skin tone: fair
Body type: short and thin
Sports: Plays beater in quidditch
She lives with her mum and dad and her brother Eric, who is 7 years older then her. She grew up her entire life in London and traveled to quite an extent with her family seeing most of Europe. Because she's the baby of the family she gets almost everything her way. Her parents dote on her and think she can do nothing wrong.
But yet also treat her like a baby most of the time she thinks. For instance in Diagon Alley her mother insisted she follow her around and do as she said rather then explore the shops Zoe wanted to.