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Angel looked at her sister and smiled. "I've got some spare lip gloss in my trunk, if you want to use some." Angel hoped that her sister wouldn't mind her offering her something but they were sisters and she really wanted to help her sister out if she could.
"I'm glad you are fine." Angel then heard what her sister said. "Oh it's not your fault, it's he-who-must-not-be-named fault." Angel thought that would be a good name for the crazy dude that was annoying her sister. "That crazy dude had it coming and there was nothing Adi could do sis."
Angel looked at her sister. "How about tomorrow we take Adi and Benny to the lake or somewhere and give them a nice show to cheer them up, I think Adi deserves to see something funny after what he had gone through today." Angel had no idea what her sister thought but it was an idea.
Angel looked around and sighed a bit, seriously with everything that had gone on, Angel wanted to throw a few people into the great lake to let them cool off, that was the saying when people were angry they needed to cool down, well what better way that to throw them into the lake? She looked at her sister and gave another small smile. "Want me to leave you alone?" Angel asked her.
Lip gloss? AJ laughed, and laughed hard.
"What am I going to do with that? Chunk it at Ian? Because there was no way that she was going to put that on her lips.
"It would probably just attract him more." AJ didn't want to have to tackle somebody more than once a day.
"Besides it would only taint your gloss." AJ would stick to scrubbing her lips down later.
She smiled. It was nice to hear from more than one person that it wasn't her fault. AJ didn't think that it had been for one second, but that didn't mean the professors wouldn't see it that way. Violence is not the answer. Blah, blah, blah. He who must not be named. That got another good laugh out of her.
"I know that he couldn't have stopped Adi, but it's not fair that he got chewed out for Ian's crap." "What kind of show?" AJ was not a preforming monkey. Getting out just the four of them did seem like a good idea.
"I think going to the lake is a good idea. I go go for soaking up the last bit of rays." "Why would I want you to leave me alone?" This was the first normal conversation that she had since her trip back to school. AJ was finally chilling out a bit. The lion was on guard though.