♥Matella||Epic Canadian||Awesome Shipper|| Music Lover||Senators Fan||Kendrick♥ This was a big day honestly, being in a crowd of first years had definitely not been something that he was expecting but Clyde was happy although the nerves of actually being at Hogwarts without anyone to look out for him though he had been a New York kid, tough enough to handle himself at all of 11 years old without knowing any magic whatsoever.
Once he had been led into the Great Hall, all he could do was look around and notice how big everything seemed but what managed to catch his attention the most had been the four tables that must have represented the four houses which made up this school. Was hard to figure where he wanted to go the most because there were stories about all of them. Least from what he could have remembered about hearing them from his brother since going to this school was big. Definitely big.
Before anything else was known, he quickly followed a group of students towards the front of the room and saw an old hat sitting on a stool, what was that doing here? Maybe it had something to do with figuring out what house he was going to be placed into, but that was when it spoke.
“Deneau, Clyde!”
Whoa, did that hat just speak? Guess it had and ‘parently he was expected to go up there, so without further delay, he walked up to the bench and sat down before having the strange talking hat placed onto his head which was when things got really weird.
“Hmm, another Deneau I see.” the hat spoke. Wait, the hat knew Austin? Weird. “Well let me see where to put you.. hmm, interesting. You are very tough, one to rush to the battle of anyone in danger. The heart of a Lion. Perhaps Gryffindor would suit you, but maybe not.” Clyde didn’t want to go into the Gryffindors because they were always the ones to get into trouble, at least from the old stories that he had read about the history of Hogwarts.
“A smart boy, very keen on knowledge but the ambition in your blood runs strong. I don’t know where to put you.”
When the hat went quiet, he couldn’t help but get a little scared because maybe the hat wasn’t able to place him in a house and then he’d have to go home or something.
“I see you will do well in…”
Another pause. “SLYTHERIN!”
Wait, he got into the same house as Austin did! Clyde knew that he had to write his brother soon to tell him the news but as soon as he heard the cheer coming over from the table of his new housemates; he immediately got up from the stool and headed over to join them. Hopefully the hat got things right.
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