Everyone! And we found your pet, Maggie! Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Technically, this is going to be his first night as a Prefect, but he’d like to think that official business will start tomorrow morning for him, so there’s no need to be scared and nervous. Besides, he should proud, confident, and be AWESOME. He can freaking do this. YES. Straightening his robe, and fixing the badge on his chest, Ethan strutted inside the Hall, opening his arms wide open and breathed in the air of the new term.
Ethan gave those who passed by a grin, and let his eyes linger on the Snakes’ Table. No trouble yet? Good. And was that Agatha? Not good. He still hates the nutso witch, but then decided to be CIVIL about it. He’s got a badge, and she DOESN’T. No need to rub it in her face, because HE will let HER get jealous of how awesome he is. Too bad they’re NOT friends.
Oh and look! New SNAKES! Oh yiiiiiiis! Ethan walked confidently towards his table, and gave all the new faces a gentle boop on their tiny heads, however, he gave the Transfer students who ended up in Slytherin shoulder pats. “Congratulations, new Snakes! Welcome to Slytherin!” Boop, boop, boop. Pat. Pat…Ooh, he was about to boop a new student’s head when she ducked under the table…followed by…Dima? Ethan eyed the boy, and ducked too to see what was going on under their table. The fourth year saw a girl, who was upset about something, and was being hugged by Dima. Hmm. Looks like she didn’t want to end up in Slytherin? Ooh. This is bad. Ethan would have to leave the job to Beverly, but since Dima was there comforting the new student, he decided to leave them alone.
All right. OH. LOOK. FRIENDS! HAAAAAI! Ethan moved closer to the front and joined Grayson, Sophie, and Adi hoping that he wasn’t disturbing them. “Hello, fellas. What’s up?” Ethan plopped down next to Sophie and gave his friends a two-finger salute. The fourth year then glanced down to his left to see…Dante. “I think it’s the perfect time to do a bro fistbump. Welcome to Slytherin, Don Dante!” Ethan gave the boy a cheery grin, and offered his fist to bump. Say hello to your HorsiePrefect.
While he waited for the epic fistbump to happen, THE SAME WHITE KITTEN he found in the luggage compartment jumped on his shoulder and settled on his head. AGAIN. “What…in the name of Merlin.” Seriously, WHO OWNS THIS FELINE??!
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |