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Old 09-04-2014, 02:08 AM   #20 (permalink)
formerly: PhoenixStar

Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 21,878
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus

Oh wow, why was he so tired already! he felt like he could take a nap like right now!. I guess thats what 7th years felt like. Finding the table he sat down at the first sight of free bench he could see. But sadly due to the new badge on his chest he had to keep away and alert-ish. Putting his chin in his hands he watched the rest of the Lions come into the great hall!! he spotted a few that had already made their way in..

"hey Emmy, AJ and Connor" he said them in order which made him laugh… the only person he didn't say Hello to was Alexa because he had already with her for a while on the train..

"another good year at Hogwarts!" he said with a huge smile on his face… holding back his yawn he kept watching everyone.

Look, it was the older dude who was almost eaten by the chorts last year. He seemed to look all patched up now. AJ was sure that he had a super awesome story to tell. She was still a little peeved that she wasn't allowed to go on the chort hunting adventure. AJ was a big bad second year now, so things would be changing round these parts.

"Hey Bay." He had a shiny. "Congrats on prefect, man." AJ would have to feel him out to see if he was the sort of prefect that would snitch or not. Her own bestie said that he would turn her in. The nerve.

SPOILER!!: Leonard
He'd been sorted.

He was a Gryffindor.

He couldn't have been more surprised now. He'd been certain that if he was going to go anywhere it would probably be Hufflepuff... Maybe Ravenclaw... As far as he was aware he wasn't exactly brave, which still left him wondering how on Earth he'd ended up in this house.

But he still smiled, he was actually quite happy with this. Moving to the table where the other members of the house he had been sorted into, he sat himself down somewhat uncomfortably.

Now what should he do?

New lions. They had new lions. AJ wasn't the new kid on the block now. It was only polite to go up to the kid and introduce herself. She knew she had so many questions when she was a first year, and now she could be the one answering them. My, my, my, how the tables have turned.

"Hey there. Welcome to Gryffindor. You just got sorted into the coolest house ever. How are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Let him breathe. That was the one thing that she kept forgetting about. "I'm AJ, by the way." That was the other thing that she forgot. Introductions were a must.

Even as she sat there, the table was starting to fill up. There would be far more to come before the night was over but you got the point. Further down the table she spotted that Emmylou girl who'd been a new lion last term. No doubt she'd found her rawr by now. Her eyes would have drifted further down the table were it not for the voice to her other side.

"Aubrey!" Lex grinned at one of her favourite ickles. How was the kid already a second year? Merlin, they needed to slow down. "I had a brilliant summer for the most part." Considering she'd promised not to let the visit with her grandparents ruin everything. "Never stayed in one place too long and spent it all with friends." That was perhaps the best way to spend any holiday.

"What about you? Got into any trouble worth bragging about?"

Was it just her or was Lex happy to see her? Aww.. her little second year heart skipped a beat. She had missed going on adventures with Lex. The lion was glad that Lex had a good summer. "Sounds like a good time." Her summer... where to begin? "Mine was fun. I spent A LOT of time in the sun." Who could blame her after a term like that?

Trouble was pretty much AJ's middle name. It wasn't as if she went looking for it, it just sort of happened. "I whacked one kid with a bat during a game of baseball because he got cheeky. My mum was furious, but it wasn't my fault." She shrugged. It was just a love tap... in the head. She didn't even hit him that hard. AJ decided to keep the hexing and toe stomping that happened on the carriage ride over her to herself. Lex was totally cool, but she knew that she was the head girl, and she didn't want to make any trouble for herself. "Congrats on getting to rule the school."

SPOILER!!: perfect prefect aditya
Adi was here! Of course he had to drop by here. Besties belonged to this awesome House. He spotted AJ instantly, speaking to Lex. Neither Benny nor AJ seemed to be there as yet which didn't surprise him. He figured they were off together sorting out their problems. Whatever they were. He made a mental note to ask AJ what had happened between those two.

The Hufflepuff plopped down beside AJ before tugging lightly on her hair. "Hi.'' Oh yesh. Must greet the Head Girl and Bay even though he had seen them on the Train. "Hey, Lex. Hey, Bay.''

Adi glanced up at the Staff table. New faces, old faces. He grinned to see Professor Morgan. He was really looking forward to her classes. And Professor Domingo's. He was super pleased she had stayed on to teach. There was his beloved Professor Head of House too. It was great to be back indeed.

It wasn't long before her favorite person at Hogwarts plopped down beside her. "Hey there, prefect." She gave him a one armed hug and good squeeze. "Got your puffs are sorted out over there?" AJ was glad that he was able to still come visit her at the lion table.

Whatever weirdness was there on the train ride was completely gone. They were back to their old selves once more. Thank goodness. What could you expect though when things completely hit the fan on the carriage ride over? This was going to be a very interesting year.

SPOILER!!: Benny
With all the craziness that had ensued during the carriage ride, Benny had forgotten about the flowers he had chanced to bring along rather than leave with his belongings the fourth year hadn't wanted them disturbed and manhandled in anyway before they had gotten to who they were supposed to be given to. And by the time Angel had gotten into the carriage with them, things had still been rather awkward between them so he had delayed it all for virtue of a better time.

Which might be the feast, although the Gryffindor had nearly forgotten the snapdragons on the carriage, returning to retrieve them. And by the time he had, the rest of his group had gotten lost in the shuffle so he meerly continued the walk into the castle on his own. Following the flow of people into the Great Hall.


Benny turned to his left inside the entrance and made his way over to the table belonging to the lions, noticing it already starting to fill up. He gave a nod to Bay and then Lex as he noticed the two prefects, well prefect and head girl. "Congrats..." he decided to say since the added achievements were worthy. He then looked around for more familair faces and spotted AJ Angel....and Adi already joining the fray so he moved to take a seat across from the two them, placing the potted plant on the bench to his left.

"Run from the Hufflepuffs already?" he teased his bestie.

Once Benny joined them, the gang was almost complete. AJ wasn't sure how she ended up losing her sister once more. Or why she seemed to be lagging in everything that she did lately. Hopefully she would have answers to that tonight.

"Hey Benny." Apparently AJ was calling him by that nickname now too. She would call him whatever he preferred after he saved her. "Cool flowers." Or was that a plant? AJ was all that hip on the flower/plant front.
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