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Old 08-31-2014, 06:50 PM   #5 (permalink)
Albert Kettleburn
Minister for Magic
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Ministry
Posts: 175

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
For a brief moment he weighed the pros and cons to taking a seat. It might only leave him feeling more clustered but at the same time refusing the seat offered would add a second offence to his earlier slight so the Senior Undersecretary the edge of the seat...looking like he was waiting for one of them to burst in at any second. Since their arrival, his anxiety had been through the roof.

" dire need of attention..." Could have been any of those really. "It's about the Healers, Sir, the ones who've garnered permission to wander about the ministry causing havoc as they see fit--to put it mildly."

He straightened, trying to maintain what little of his professionalism he had left toward them as possible. "Quite frankly, they've done far more harm than good. I've received several complaints and experienced......assault as it were, at the hands of these 'Professionals', as they call themselves. Something must be done."
"I was under the impression they would be brief. Unintrusive. And... that they already had a handle on our problem," Albert's eyes went to the top of his desk, where he was certain he had the documentation that Gavin had prepared for him on these visitors. They had approval to be here, and they'd seemed like a very good idea at the time.

But if Gavin said they were overstaying their welcome... "Perhaps the old maxim is true about fish and visitors stinking after three days? If we think they've done as much good as they will ever be capable of doing..." He spread his hands out in a sort full body shrug. "You have my leave to let them know their services are no longer required. And we thank them kindly for their help. Give them a t-shirt from the gift shop as a parting gift."
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