Thread: Snack Bar
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Old 08-28-2014, 08:34 AM   #21 (permalink)
Some Mystical Girl
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Becca. x Lauccatastic! (: Love You Girlies. <3

Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 View Post
Marigold looked at Rob, then at Isla. Well, that was a quick introduction and now they're doing a game? "I'm horrible at this," she said. Clumsy as anything.

She turned to Isla. She had a pretty name. "Do you guys go to school together or something?" It seemed like they already knew each other. "I'm Marigold, by the way."
Originally Posted by PurpleHeart View Post
Rob chuckled a little and shook his head. "Well, that's ok. I'm not great at it either." He bit his lower lip and hung his head before finishing his response. he cleared his throat and spoke shyly. "Actually we just met too. I'm new here and I just thought a game might be a good way for us all to become friends. That is if you'd like."
"I've never been too good at bowling either, but it is fun!" Isla laughed. She turned to Rob before turning back and smiling at the other girl. "Marigold, it's lovely to meet you." She spoke kindly as she waved a hand merrily. She'd always been overly enthusiastic when it came to meeting new people, especially when she was in a new environment.

"Yeah, I just came to get school supplies but ended up wandering in here. I'm starting at Hogwarts. My parents and I traveled, it's only now that they've decided that I need a proper schooling, as reluctant as they are." She smiled, slightly embarrassed, a lot of people didn't really understand the way that her family lived.
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