Fact: Cece's full name is Cecelia Sassafrass Tillstorm. Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Annie didn't actually feel bad for dismissing the women in this office, but considering their two personalities... of course Cassie was bright and cheerful and helpful, that was the exact polar opposite of the kind of person she wanted to spy on Lolita Domingo. Then there was Cece, who had opinions stronger in flavor than well-aged cheese, and issues keeping her cheese opinions to herself. So she could stay holed up in the hospital wing for all this redhead cared.
Back to the boys. The Headmistress scooted forward a tiny bit in her seat, and opened her mouth to speak when a sudden, silvery roadrunner appeared. Oh ho ho. Flamsteed. Even his patronuses were flamboyant. Well, best get this over with.
"I see the students have reached the same conclusions as us," she mused to her helpful staff in the office. "Well, as you all seem to be thinking the same way as I am, I think we should investigate Lolita. Dig up some concrete evidence that places her in the forest near the chorts, if that's what they are. Maybe someone could sneak into her office and look for correspondence. Someone else, if they happened to say, slip her a drink that makes her feel open to talking, could do that." She gave a seemingly harmless shrug at the three of them. "Just remember to be sneaky with whatever you do, and ONLY report back to me. No one else. We don't know who we can trust now." Especially anyone who didn't perfectly speak the Queen's English!
As for her, "I am going to go down to this research meeting and then make an attempt to contact the Ministry. Someone needs to remove these chorts." And obviously it couldn't be the people stranded in the castle! "Any questions?" She stood up and rolled up her scroll full of notes from this meeting.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |