• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
So they were indeed now going to discuss about the attack and the strange occurances with the weather. Javy had been listening to Cassie's story. Under regular circumstances he would've found her apologetic state confusing since there was only so much one can do on just seeing things. But given how close they had been he nodded towards her in understanding. Now Annie wanted to hear from him and Piers. A good call, since they both had been discussing it heavily behind closed doors.
Javy glanced at Piers, since he had actually been out there he could begin with explaining what went on. Only interjecting when appropriate. "Right.. from what we've gone over there's not that many magical creatures are able to finish off an Acromantula enough to also affect one of us as well." Now the theories, "Now for an Acromantula to actually fear this creature.. well, it couldn't be a Basilisk since this is outside of their climate and no one would've been able to escape the forest if it were the case.. So adding onto the effects of the everlasting weather that hadn't left us.. It mimicks the signs of Chorts." Also given how Leo and the younger Gryffindor student were attacked by one. "They have been known to only bring destruction, the frosty conditions and casualties.." Sound familiar? "What also seems to further prove it is how there have been some recent sightings on them as they had been migrating from eastern Russia. It is too much of a coincidence for this constant cold to still be here without the thought of them."
Now as for the mystery forest dweller. "We do not have much to represent who had been out there in the first place, other than the 'strange' accent. I'd also have to side with it not being a student.. Which would leave us staff.." Goodness, did he have to be the one to make the accusation? "A lady with a 'strange' accent.. doesn't leave us with much choice on who it is, does it?"