of Headmistress Truebridge 
If permitted to enter the highly exclusive and incredibly pink palace of Headmistress Anastasia Reina (née Bunbury) Truebridge, please take a moment to allow your eyes to adjust. The current occupant of the Head chambers has distinct fashion tastes unlike any of her predecessors. And yes, she does re-do her office every three few years.
The large, thick black desk, which is easily the largest item in the room, rests on a fairly new, geometrically patterned pink and black carpet. In front of the desk are two nearly new black and pink, modernly styled guest chairs; behind it is what can only be described as a veritable throne. This, obviously, is where the Headmistress sits when she is in the office. If you're here to speak with her, you might as well have a seat in one of the guest chairs. You aren't welcome elsewhere in this office.
As you take your seat and look around, you'll notice that the room is lush with healthy green plants in black pots; new black curtains which are usually pulled back from the spacious windows; books and magazines scattered on matching black wooden end tables; and lots and lots of framed personal photos. Most of the photo occupants (the ones that you can see, anyway) are the Headmistress' husband, a former professor himself, and a baby photo of her now six-year-old son, who is certain to grow up to be a genius. The largest photo, which sits facing the Headmistress' throne and the large window behind it, is of the three Truebridges from before they left Egypt.
The other frames on the walls of the room include portraits of former headmasters; a glass-encased man's cane; and a framed scrap of paper from one of Hogwarts' own student publications. In the back corner of the room, near the door that leads to the rest of the Headmistress' chambers, is a collection of very rare brooms locked up inside a black wood corner cabinet. In front of the cabinet sits a large pink wicker basket, usually containing a very pampered, very fat ginger cat. This is Gingersnapple.
Gingersnapple is most protective of his master's chambers, so if you truly wish to speak the Headmistress in her office, be aware that you are doing so at your own risk. Please note: This room is an animal-free zone... with the obvious exception of Gingersnapple. OOC: You absolutely may not enter this office unless given the password or given IC/OOC access by the Headmistress. If you RP yourself here without following instructions, your post will be deleted.