Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Camp Half-Blood
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Violeta X. Escalante Gryffindor Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Yulietta Escalante Slytherin Second Year x8
| That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars Prefect Beverly Wayne  Future Dragonlord B A S I C S Name: Beverly Juniper Wayne Nicknames: Bev, Bevy (only her brother is allowed to call her that), B, Bruiser D.O.B: July 31st, 2069 P.O.B: Widows Peak, Scotland Heritage: Pure-blood Wand: 9 inch balanced Aspen with a Dragon Heartstring core Patronus: Not Developed Boggart: Not Developed F A M I L Y Father: Phabian Wayne Mother: Victoria Wayne (nee Nott, diseased) Step-Brother: Kennedy Escalante Uncle: Xavier Baltazar Cousins: Peyton Baltazar, Cornelius Baltazar, Yvonne Baltazar-Quinn Pets: Midnight (horse), Mori (Eurasian eagle owl), Chomper (sugar glider) APPEARANCE Hair: dark brown/wavy/waist long Eyes: green, but in the light green/gray/hazel sort of kaleidoscope-ish Height: 5'3 Build: petite P E R S O N A L I T Y
Hogwarts has been a great influence in Beverly Wayne's personality. She started out as a reserved and quiet person as to compared now. She is growing into an independent and strong person. She is still quite reserved and tends to go the extra mile to play her looks down as to not attract attention, but she does NOT play her smarts down. Beverly likes to demonstrate both her intelligence and physical strength (she enjoys punching people).
Nowadays she is a bit more approachable. She will start a conversation if she feels that person is worthy of conversation. She still suffers from Brat-itus (a condition in which the patient must have anything and everything they want at the moment they want it). She does not enjoy not getting her way. Or being reprimanded by people that aren't her father or brother. H I S TO R Y SPOILER!!: Beverly Juniper Wayne was born to Dark Wizard Phabian Wayne and Magizoologist Victoria Wayne (nee Nott), in the land of her ancestors; a magical community known as Widows Peak in Edinburgh, Scotland. She grew up in a fairly protective home. Being an only child (supposedly) Beverly was lavished with anything and everything she wanted. Though in the mix, her parents made sure to incorporate the etiquette of a proper pure-blood child. She was taught politeness and flawless manners. As well as to acknowledge the superiority of pure-bloods (though she never really grasped that).
Due to her father's exotic jobs he and his wife agreed that it would be safer for their child to be home tutored when it was time for her education. When she was eight, Beverly got the surprise of her life; she had a long, lost older brother and he was coming to live with them at Wayne Manor. Having always wanted a sibling, Beverly believed wishes came true, and from the day her step-brother joined the family she grew attached to him (to his displeasure at the time).
At the age of eight her life took a total one-eighty degree turn when her mother all of a sudden grew ill. One day she was healthy and the next her life was slowly whisking away. Unfortunately, days after her mother had fallen ill, the Wayne matriarch passed away in her sleep while the young witch held her hand.
Three years later Beverly still remembers that night vividly. Due to that event, she's been taking dreamless potions her father concocts for her, every single night for three years; it is the only way she can sleep.
Through all of that, her relationship with her father grew distant. He locked himself in his laboratory working on Merlin knows what. While her relationship with Kennedy grew stronger. Kennedy became a sort of guardian. He was the one who interviewed and appointed her tutors. The one who Apparates to the Manor when she can't sleep. The one who holds her every end of the year on her mother's death anniversary.
Although Beverly has quite an extensive family, she really only considers Kennedy, her father and her grandmother as her immediate family. Morgana Jones, known as the head of the family company, Jones Potions Industries, has taken Beverly in as if she were her own, but to the young girl, it isn't the same as having her mother. Morgana doesn't posses the warmth of a one. But that's okay with Beverly as she wants no one to ever replace Victoria's spot. E D U C A T I O N SPOILER!!: Tutoring Life
Beverly was tutored in her earlier years. It was planned that when she turned eleven years old she would choose one of three schools: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons or Durmstrang. On her journey to her eleventh birthday her family influenced her on what school would suit her best. Her father voted for Durmstrang while her mother gave her every possible brochure of Beauxbatons. Kennedy suggested Hogwarts. Morgana, being a traditional woman, told her not to break customs and follow her father's footsteps and attend the latter school.
When the time came to choose, Beverly had crossed out Beauxbatons (as that was the school her mother wanted her to go and it would be too painful to attend). She didn't even think about Durmstrang. Hogwarts was her choice since the beginning. All because she wanted to be like her older brother.
Unfortunately, when it was time to board the train her father refused to send her to Hogwarts. She was to be tutored at home until she learned to defend herself properly. Although young, Beverly knew this was because of her mother's passing. Whatever she argued, Beverly lost the fight to go to Hogwarts.
Having inherited her mother's stubbornness, Beverly made it clear that she wouldn't settle for less. During the past three years Beverly has had more than a dozen tutors, each screaming Bloody Mary and swearing to not return to Wayne Manor.
Finally growing tired of the situation, she went to her grandmother. As expected Morgana managed to change her son's mind and Beverly was on her way to Hogwarts for her third year.
SPOILER!!: Third Year at Hogwarts
Her first year was planned to be easy, filled with homework and a different ambient. On her first day at Hogwarts she met an extremely bubbly and overly happy Gryffindor, Silver Barry, who self proclaimed herself as Beverly's best friend as the months followed. All to soon, her steak of independence was challenged when Beverly fell victim to a rapid-age virus that was going around. Thinking that telling her family would take her out of Hogwarts the moment they found out, she kept it to herself.
After the horrible holidays, came a bit of break. The Slytherin met a Gryffindor by the name of Jeremiah Walker, and they clicked right away. Having friends and people she could count on certainly made the rapid-aging disease a bit more bearable, but she couldn't help feel like death was close, thus creating a different compartment in her mind. The need to live life to its fullest was born, and she still bares it in mind to the present day.
Fortunately, at the End of the Term Feast a cure was presented and all was far as it's known... S T R E N G T H S • Like her father, Beverly has a knack for potions. In fact, it's the only subject in which she didn't harass any of her tutors.
• Ambition. She works hard until she accomplishes her goal. No goal left behind!
• When it comes to reading, she can concentrate even if there is a hurricane outside her window.
• Memory. When it comes to remembering something, her mind automatically grasps it. It is extremely rare when she forgets something.
• Horse riding. She loves horse riding and it's the only time she ever feels free.
• The ability to numb feelings/emotions. W E A K N E S S E S • Her reserved personality hinders the possible friendships she could ever have, and she's quick to push people away.
• Anything that reminds her of her mother, she's quick to abandon. It is also why Care of Magical Creatures is where her tutors were the most harassed due to her mother's love for creatures.
• Flying. She is terrified of heights, convinced that that is one of the top ten leading reasons of magical folk deaths.
• Anything that involves Death frightens her to the point of shutting down.
• She is very sensitive when she doesn't get her way or when talked to above an inside voice. Spoiled brat.
• Attention. It frightens her to be center of attention and will keep low no matter what. F R I E N D S
• Silver Barry
• Jeremiah Walker
• Cutty Mordaunt L I K E S Being like Kennedy. Kennedy's flat. Her father, Phabian Wayne. Jeremiah Walker. Her horse Midnight. Horseback riding. Swimming. Color lilac. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Sugar Quills. Warm sweaters. Freshly baked oatmeal cookies. Cold glasses of milk. Dreamless potions. Reading and studying about Potions. DRAGONS. Learning new languages. Winning. Accomplishing goals. Comfy shoes. Libraries and kitchens and the beach (for reasons). Punching people. Power. D I SL I K E S Christmas. The end of the year. Nightmares. Losing. Not being anything but first. Death. Illnesses. Tutors. Anything mother-related. Strangers. Having to meet new people. Touchy-huggy people. Crying/crybabies. Feeling confined. Getting scolded or yelled at. Dressing all proper-like. Losers. A muggle named Lucia Escalante. Brother's girlfriends. Tattle-tales. SHARING.
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