SPOILER!!: Legend
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Kaos.Doodles Healers were not to be trusted. At all.
Except for of course if you were injured, sick or dying. Legend Chosen however fit in NONE of this categories. Sauntering into the technology lounge late, (because why would he be on time if again, he was not injured, sick or dying) the blonde stood by the doorway and gazed around. "WELP! THAT WAS A NICE CHECK UP! FEELING ALL REFRESHED AND EVERYTHING."
Believable right? Yeah? Yeaaaah?
With THAT he turned, ready to make his way out the door.
How long did that take? Maybe five seconds. Good Merlin. Oh no. Oh no oh no. Forget everyone else she'd seen since morning, THIS one needed her full attention the most. EXTREME MEMORY LOSS!! Poor thing. He must have had the hardest time even remembering where his own work station was. This was serious and would hinder progress with work. Can't work when you're dying, right??
"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE SIR!!" Lest you drop dead the moment you leave this place. Sigh. Tragic, it was.
SPOILER!!: Simon
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Holmesian Feline
It was clear his answer about clowns wasn't what was wanted. Pfft, it wasn't Simon's preference to hang around the sort to be crazy about them. To each his or her own, the auror thought, not a clue that he had a 'limited sense of humor' as was said.
He met her gaze with his own attentive focus, careful to pay attention to everything that was said and done. "I was simply asking if you had a preference on a type of joke," Simon assured the woman. "No confusion. I just know all jokes aren't for everyone." That was his polite nature kicking in, he didn't want to behave like he had seen others do in their own search for laughs.
"Because it tells on the winner." In fact revealing said winner, since the first one to catch the snitch was the winner of the match.
What was with everyone and this rambling illness? There may have been a dozen of them already diagnosed but the cases just kept coming in. Ravaora shook her head in obvious pity for this man.
"Loquentes Ieiuniumtis." Plain as day on this one and they needed to begin before it was too late.
"I can perscribe you a few potions and it'll be imperative you attend the seminars being hosted as it will be for your own good."
Was he understanding? Did he know his joke wasn't funny? Some down time would be needed here before he lost his limited sense of humour for good.
"Not to worry, it's curable and despite your accute trelawnitis accompanying the illness I daresay, with our help, you will live." WASN'T THAT JUST BRILLIANT NEWS??????
SPOILER!!: Alysson
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Lislchen But there is everything wrong with you.
Yes, that was exactly what she wanted to hear right now. That and 'psychological diseases'. Alysson blinked and took a deep breath to ensure that she stayed calm. Or as calm as she could be right now. "Alright." What else was there to say? This woman was clearly insane and doubted that she was a real Healer. And what were those illnesses she kept on mentioning? Ones that could be healed by attending seminars.
Wandastian Epitaph. Alysson nodded, already turning to leave the room. The sooner she got out of here the better. Or else the Healer might shove her and then blame some strange sounding illness for her falling to the ground. "Nice talking to you." Sheesh. She didn't even turn around to look at the other woman anymore but simply left the room - quickly too - with a small wave.
Ahhh, another life saved thanks to her. She'd be looking forward to seeing that one at her knitting seminar. They could get a few things out. Let the positive energy floooow through them together and slowly--yes, slowly because you couldn't rush the healing--everything would be alright.
"Do have a good day. Try to forget you're daying. It makes the O.O.P.S worse." BEAM.
Such a nice woman that one.
SPOILER!!: omnomnomRAWR
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omnomnomRAWR The woman blinked at the speaker, slightly confused.
"Last I checked, I was perfectly healthy," she retorted, narrowing her eyes in suspicion. Who was she to tell her her own health?
"That is called denial, Love, but not to worry, we'll beat it out of you in no time." Metaphorically of course.
Everyone knew this healer preferred needles, they were her little friends and other were always so much nicer after she used them. That's what this place needed, a little nicer energy.
"You're obviously over worked and in such a stressful environment. It's not good for your complexion." Surely Ravaora wasn't the only one who saw this?
SPOILER!!: Expecto-Penguin
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Expecto-Penguin Wait there was a name for it...? She gave her a quizzical look. "I didn't even know there was a name for it.." she shrugged and realized she had been scratching more than usual. She saw the red marks from her nails. "Oh well would you look at that..." she said examining her arms. She was pretty sure she was suffering from it. She seemed to be tired all the time which she was used to it. She heard the scratching was common. But what in the name of merlin was Pruritusism? "Ermm excuse me...what is Pruritusism?" I mean she had a right to know. She was new to the doctor lingo.
Aaaahh stress. Well that was something she new. She was suffering from stress trying to be a perfectionist.
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Aahhh so her sickness has a named, it was called Overwhelming Overtiredness Patient Syndrome. Now that made sense and why she was scratching. "Ah okay I see what you mean..." she told the doctor unable to stop scratching. "Is there a cure to help me stop scratching?" she asked pointing to her irritated skin from where she was scratching. Aahh stress from the workplace? That made even more sense too. She was constantly stressed and had anxiety. "Ermm miss would anxiety be the cause of the disease too?"
It wasn't very often that she had willing patients. Ones that could accept the news and actively seek to understand it. For this she was grateful. FINALLY someone that wanted to LIVE.
"Pruritusism is characterized by scratching and fidgeting, the involuntary kind like what you've been doing, Love." For how long she'd been doing it, Ravaora didn't even want to know. All that mattered now was getting her back to the picture of perfect health.
"The anxiety can contribute toward it yes, but the anxiety is more commonly attributed to the O.O.P.S that you're suffering from."
Of course in the wake of all this tragic news there was still hope.
"There are potions you can take and I expect you'll be at the seminar I'll be hosting. It'll will help take care of all that." Brilliant news wasn't it? Once again, thanks to Ravaora, this one would LIVE?
"You're free to go unless you have other questions." SPOILER!!: Tiffany
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Rambling? Since when did a good fashion sense equate to rambling? Had this woman no sense of style? "I'm not rambling. Can't a girl be excited about an amazing find!?" she even pouted a little for flair, but mostly she was just sticking her foot out to show off her heels some more. Maybe this woman didn't get a proper look? They were only THE BIGGEST fashion statement of the century!! And she hadn't even gotten any compliments all day. Pout.
Stress? But she wasn't stressed... Just upset that the woman hadn't recognized high fashion. Not stressed. If anything, this person was the cause of her stress- which again she wasn't stressed okay!! It was just a little hot in here... That's why her makeup was getting a little oilier than normal. But she had some blotting strips in her handbag! So no big deal. "Um... Sorry?" she cocked her head to the side. What the heck was a verbal diarrhea and why would she have it? "Verbal Diarrhea sounds like ruhlly gross... I'm pretty sure I don't have--" Ew. She didn't want to say the grossness again, "that."
Okay. What the heck was a Trelawnitis? This woman was actually just making things up. This was totally so unlike her normal checkups. Yeah. Maybe the ministry wasn't such a hot idea... Would Witch Weekly take her back again? "But uhuum, You never answered my question??" Was she certified or not. This was important. "I haven't lost faith in the world!! But I always put my faith and trust in the most capable person I know. Me." If she trusted anyone else to get things done, things wouldn't happen. Tiffany made things happen. Especially these heels, can everyone just taken a moment to appreciate them please!?! SHE STILL HADN'T GOTTEN ANY COMPLIMENTS, HEEEELLLOOOOO.
Oh? Spastic movements as well? It would start with the leg sticking out but it would spread, she was sure. Pretty soon arms would be flailing then her hips would randomly be thrust about from side to side until finally she was doing the hokie pokie without even knowing why.
"Uncontrolled muscle movement." The Healer noted aloud for the benefit of patient. It was good she knew.
And with all that sweeting and the way her face was
meeelting, did she really think the healer would let her off so easy?? On the verge of death this one.
She shook her head in stark disappointment.
"You'll need this checked, it's a grave illness and has been known to take one a many lives even without the other diseases you're simply riddled with." And a dramatic roll of her eyes while she tried to make light of this tragic situation. It was all she could do to not sob on this young woman's shoulder, bawling about how much she'd miss her when she was gone.
"I'll tell you what, you won't die. Come to the seminar and we'll make you better. Healer's honour." No one would get left behind. NO ONE.
SPOILER!!: Branxton
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Cassirin She was. She WAS talking like that, and Genevieve made a face in response to the woman's stubborn denial. She didn't have much patience for ineptitude, and the woman had quickly gone from being amusing to being annoying. Especially since she was trying to diagnose and cure someone who was perfectly well. "I don't want to take you away from your patients. I'm fine, really."
Really. She crossed her arms across her chest and let herself be tugged along, although she didn't like it. The tea with death, though... she liked that. It was amusing again. Was the Healer being amusing on purpose? "What if he has cake?"
That was rather considerate of her. Perhaps the girl knew she was a lost cause and thought Ravaora would have preferred spending time with the guaranteed to live. Such a trooper. It nearly jerked a tear or three.
"I understand what you're doing and I assure you you're not that much a lost caused. I'd hate to say it but compared to everyone else here, you might be the most normal." It said so much. This place was RIDDLED with disease.
Ooo and such thought provoking questions! Signs of an active mind! Yes. Yes. She was liking what she was hearing afterall.
"Cake is questionable. I would suggest sitting outside his door and enjoying, but no more than two slices to be on the safe side."
Still, no dining with death. You got bad reputations after.
SPOILER!!: William *swoons at the dreamy sleeper*
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Hold on a hot minute, William wasn't paralyzed. Did she not SEE his STRUGGLE right now? THE STRUGGLE. IT WAS REALLLLLLLLLLLL. Merlin! Why couldn't he get to his wand already?!! He may have been strapped down and surrounded by idiots (Tanc excluded) but WILLIAM'S EARS STILL WORKED JUST FINE. AND WHAT WAS ALL THIS HE HEARD ABOUT MAIDS? OF? HONOUR?!?!!
He felt like banging his head into a wall at this point. The longer this new Healer -- Ravendora or whatever -- talked, the more likely Willy was starting to feel like just playing dead. Maybe they'd send him to the morgue. It had to be better than this. Now what was she on about--- a SEIZURE?! HIM?!!
"I've never had a seizure in my life!" William shouted, but of course with his head bound, it came out more like, "IMWECHUR NNNNN MYFFFFF!" Then he felt something poke him in the side, hard, and everything suddenly felt greaaaaaat and waaaaaaarm and happyyyyyy and peaceful.
Ahhhhhhh. William's arms gently lowered to his sides as his eyelids drifted to a slow close.
The initial yelling had startled Ravaora. Mostly because people didn't yell that way when they had seizures but the worry slowly subsided as he settled in and drifted off. Just look how PEACEFUL he looked now. Brilliant what a syringe and some liquid she was unsure of could do and the Healer grinned broadly.
"He shouldn't pose much trouble to his life anymore. We have nothing to worry about." She assured his friend. SEE??? SHE WAS HELPING MORE THAN HIM!! Let her do her job, dammit!
"You're in my hands now Love." She said rubbing a hand against his perfect face. Such a nice structure...such nice arms...was this a firm chest beneath these clothes?
"Perhaps I should take him back to my personal lab and keep him for observations." Because my oh my this one. Would Loranys mind sharing? She wouldn't be TOO greedy.
The Healer pulled him back into the examination room, secured his strappings more firmly then injected him once more. Now, now was waiting, face close to his, waiting for the majestic moment those dreamy eyes would open and he would be a calmer man. Ahhh.
SPOILER!!: Lawrence
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nanyjj Lawrence was startled by the sudden sound. The healer must be over dramatic too, along with mad. If only he could just jot all those down. Would be something to report to the minister. Crazy healers.. running around the ministry.. yes.
"It was only half a year ago." He said matter-of-factly, not bothered by the fact that Ms. Healer was nearly yelling his ears off right now. He heard something about him dying and remembered how he thought that this health check would actually help. How stupid he was. O.O.P.S.. Trelawnitis. The advisor made a mental note about researching these terms up, not because he actually thought he had acute whatever that might be, but it might help with understanding the problems St. Mungo's Healers have.
"So.. you want me to get out?" Lawrence asked, his green eyes swiftly darting to the door in front of him. "Then I better start acting now, to stop myself from dying." He walked quickly towards the door and reached the door. He needed to get out of here!!
This one clearly wanted to live.
"That is exactly what you should do! Yes! Go! Relax! Live!" She didn't even need to tell him the rest. This was what she liked seeing, people taking charge of their own life. T'was beautiful to behold.
"Seminars will be held, we can help curb this condition." She walked to the door and held it open for him.
"Take charge of your health and live." SPOILER!!: Vic
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Magical Soul Vic ROLLED his eyes at her. Good thing he didn't mention the sleepless nights and the regular office-sleepovers, who knew what disease she'd make up for that. "I didn't crumble on the floor because I have this made-up disease, I was crouching because you threw things at me." He countered, very comfortable standing here by the wall wth the tables and stretcher between him and the crazy Healer with the syringe.
"The what." Trelawney? Plenty of Trelawney cases he took over the years, and even though they were the odd bunch, he did not know they had a disease named after them.
Oh she was coming at him with that green (?) liquid again. No. Vic held his hand up, stopping her. "As a citizen of the English Wizarding World, I refuse to take that syringe on the ground of my right to decline healing, unless my condition was attested by other two professional Healers." THERE. Now... could he go? He had things to say to EMILY.
Blah blah blah didn't crumble blah blah throwing things at him.
"Do you usually blame others for your actions, Sir? I daresay it speaks to something a little more sinister." And that would, of course, require a few more shots. Surely he knew that resistance was futile? Did she have to spell it out to him?
"Trelawnitis, a distinct mistrust of others and situations that at some point causes action--action that you regret the moment you come to. It's a slippery slope I'd rather you not slip down."
Sigh, but it wouldn't be easy. Never easy with those from Law Enforcement.
"There are three other certified Healers outside this room. I can have any of them come in and confirm then possibly have you sedated and attached to wires, or we can accept you're dying perscribe you potions and inform you of the seminar to be held." Such a hassle too.
"We both know the better choice, living shouldn't be a chore." SPOILER!!: Amber and Derek
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Hey Ju
'I'll save you, Love! Not to worry, this will only hurt an hour.' An HOUR? WHAT? NO. "I'm fine, I don't need-" Derek's eyes widened as he scooted further away from the healer, hand still up to keep a safe distance between them. The man quickly looked around to see what was going ON and then felt his head pounding big time. Ouch.
He put one of his hands on the side of his head as he tried to work out what the hell was going on there when... Amber said hi to him. In a very... weird way. For the love of Damocles, what had that freak done to Amber?? Not that the girl was the most normal of people, but she was acting even weirder now.
When blue-hair started giggling like mad, Derek had to stop himself from reaching for his wand. Maybe he was overreacting. He was indeed terrified of healers and that was probably why he was getting desperate.... right?
Okay, he was fine. Nothing major was going on. It's okay, Derek, calm down. "No." The lab technician still told the healer when she asked him if he wanted to be 'happy and carefree of stress'. He was not getting any shots, thank you very much. He looked at Amber and tried his best to study her as he kept looking back at the healer. Suspicious Derek was very suspicious, even though he was trying to convince himself everything was okay.
Was the woman---????????????? Was that an uncertain look on the healer's face?? "I'm fine, I don't need that." Derek told her again, looking from the vials to the healer as he tried to get up without looking too dizzy. It was bloody difficult, to be honest. "I don't need anything, I'm just going... to go." Please oh please oh please let him leave now. "You're coming, Amber?" He asked, his eyes still fixed on the healer just in case.
Why, Merlin, why why why?
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Ember had to keep reminding herself that she wasn't at home, so she couldn't take a nap right now. Plus, the floor looked cold and hard and stuff. But she smiiiiled. Her brain was still fuzzy and she found her thoughts were soaring through time and space in a very random and quick fashion. Her thoughts of baking cookies when she got home were gone completely. Hmph. Odd. She had so been looking forward to that--oh well!
She saw poor Derek trying to stand and held her hand out. "Take my hand, friend-" her voice was so full of air, Ember could have floated. "I--we can relax and go to yoga--come on--" she said, giggling again. Coming? Going? "Yeah--where are we going?" she asked smoothly, swaying a little as she tried to make a step towards him. "Can we do yoga?" she asked him, her lavender eyes wide...before turning her gaze back to the healer. "I think...I think he's okay..." she nodded and leaned on him. "See? He's fine....we can go...totally..."
Yeaaaah wheeeeeee.
Ravaora might have introduced this Derek fellow to her latest syringe until his friend here spoke up. The Healer smiled widely, happy that once again, her syringe had saved the day. Wasn't the world a better place when everyone just smiiiiiled??
"Oh yes, of course! Yoga will be an excellent means of reducing the severity of these illnesses. I know there will be a yoga seminar held and knitting as well! Come and unwind and together we'll ensure you all live happier and more productive lives."
Nothing to be done about these two anymore. They were already heading on to the healing process.
"You may go." And remember to KEEP SMILING! It took years off your face if you'll believe it!
SPOILER!!: Ronnie
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Ringo Ronnie's cheeks flushed. Was she supposed to know that stuff? Because she really had no idea. And this woman was making her feel like...well...an idiot or something. Was she? Was she dumber than she had thought? Watching as the lady stopped poking her, (thank heavens), Ronnie cocked her head slightly at what she muttered. Clearing her throat, she continued to look at her. "Is...everything okay...?" she asked, clearly concerned.
"Everything is most certainly not okay." Ravaora said with a stern expression. When someone was so gravely ill you didn't have time for nicities.
"You, my dear, have an accute case of Confundosis and I fear the underlying cause may be Overwhelming Overtiredness Patient Syndrome." The chief cause of most illnesses in this place as she'd come to understand. Something needed to be done or they would all find themselves in an early grave, with her grieving at the tombstones.
"There will be several seminars being held. See to it that you attend if you hope to get yourself cured." That should be enough, unless things got worse...
SPOILER!!: Emily
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Hera ..................
Blabbering? Defensive? Okay, sure, she was a little defensive, but last she checked that didn't mean she required a shot. No. There would be no taking ANYTHING... she refused. For a moment it seemed as though the vile woman was finally understanding her, but then she continued scribbling and uttering nonsense along with it.
That was the woman's verdict to her wanting to be properly informed and examined and not simply given a cure for EVERYTHING. Yeah, right.
"No, not the food court and frankly I don't see how any of this is helpful," she started, ready to leave. "Sorry to have wasted your time, but I won't be staying and subjecting myself to your company... I'll be speaking with Healer Epitaph on my way out." Because this Department Head was NOT happy with being told nonsense about mental stability based on the exchange of a few unreasonable words - mostly on the redheads behalf. Her own request had been founded in logic and delivered with as much respect as could be mustered for a fruitloop who sounds as if she might have escaped the loony bin herself.
"And you might want to see a Healer yourself, you're a hypochondriac, and this makes you a danger in the workplace, you shouldn't be practicing."
A hand visibly on her wand, Emily moved to leave the room, her eyes on the woman with the syringe as she did. There would be no way she was going to get stuck with that stuff.
Ravaora gave a loud sigh and recapped her syringe. It wasn't to say this one was beyond saving but rather she would be speaking with Wandastian. The man may prove more persuasive. Nothing left for her to be done just yet.
"There will be seminars. They'll help you with your condition. For your own sake I hope you show up without use needing restraints and further action." They could ask that she resign or be replaced with someone more stable. Surely the Minister wouldn't object. She needed to think this through.
"You are free to go." She walked to the door and held it open for her--
"Ooooo, the Senior Underscretary is still here." Her and Loranys were still sharing as far as she knew. Save three hotties, marry two of them and keep the third for just in case.
Why was Emily still here? She...was clogging up the room.......
SPOILER!!: Kennedy
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Deezerz Limited vocabulary?
Excuse HER.
"I'll have you know my vocabulary is not limited," he hissed stalking right after her. What was this? Insult Kennedy day? First, Cornelius experimented by spilling coffee on his pants, in that area where it should be dry. Luckily, he's a wizard. Then...THEN Danny throws a tantrum because Kennedy had to go to work at the same the child wanted to go on a bike ride.
So many tears and, 'Keke, don't go!' It had broken this big man's heart.
And now...now he was being told about some illness he never knew he had. He'd know, you know? Kennedy knew his body and well...he wasn't dying! He was too young.
"I'm not dying," he said, trying to keep his temper down. A gentleman must never raise his voice at a lady. "Could you just get this check up over with so I can prove to you that I'm fine." Please. He really just wanted to go get some coffee and doughnuts.
His stomach rumbled at the thought of food.
My my my.
"Defensive as well. Quite the stage of illness you've reached." Ravaora idly tapped away at his cheek while she spoke. When things were this obvious, you hardly needed a check up.
"I'd have to say Trelawnitis but you haven't got it bad and like with everyone else I've seen, there is still hope."
This is the part where he started hopping around the room at the blessed news that he would LIVE. Isn't that what people traditionally do?
"No need for further tests. You're gestures say it all. You're a right mess. O.O.P.S gets to the best of many of us. I can perscribe you a few potions and there will be seminars held about the ministry. Rest assured, we will get you back in tip top shape."
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PhoenixRising Okay this was just ..... Alex was fairly certain that something WAS up with these Medical Examinations and she was frankly APPALLED that the bosses let them just come in here. They called themselves healers but the way they were acting, well it just more like PSYCHOLOGY. And yes, she was suspicious, but not without good reason, I mean just look at the way the healers were treating her floormate William over there. "I wouldn't use that word ..." Alex said quietly. "I prefer ... intuitive or knowledge seeker." Really, knowledge wasn't a crime; knowing what something was before agreeing to it. And if that needle went within an inch of her skin, there was going to be some serious hell.
Rambling? She raised an eyebrow at that. She said ONE line and that was rambling? Merlin, this one needed to pick up a dictionary. Ignoring it though, she just smiled as another question was asked.
"I sleep enough, yes, thank you." Any other doubts about her health and wellbeing? Was she going to accuse her of dying too, because if she was, then she was so done here.
"Right right of course. We certainly won't be using those words." Whatever it took to keep this woman calm. You could never tell when one might snap in such a hostile environment and the noticeable tensing at the sight of the needle was enough to send Ravaora on high alert. If things got down to it, this one might need sedation. How she hated when it got to that.
"In any case, it sounds like you have Trelawnitis--a severe case of it to say the least." The Healer walked back to her desk and began scribbling.
"Nothing we haven't cured before, not to worry."
As for sleeping
enough, hah, she would not be falling for that one. Not at all.
"Overwhelming Overtiredness Patient Syndrome is the likely culprit of your poor sleep. You should know this and seek to correct it while you can." So they were clear on that.
"You should know we'll be having seminars. Attend them. It's likely the only way you'll live given how advanced your illness has gotten." And yes, she was completely welcome. Ravaora was only here to help. Quite the saint she was.
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Lissy Longbottom If this wasn't MANDATORY, Gabi wouldn't be here. She was not one to go to the healers often even for checkups, because she ate so well and always exercised that she just never got sick. When she DID, she went into the healers and took care of it right away. No big deal.
But THIS? This was stupid and Gabi was not happy.
She walked in, not saying a word, and looked around the room, arms crossed and heel tapping impatiently on the floor. Was someone just going to come up to her or...?
The...the way her foot tapped. The spastic motion with which it moved. She was losing control of her limbs as well!! What was with this day???? Ravaora nearly fainted but for the sake of this one, she would have to be strong.
"Your leg....how long has it been doing that???" Did she know they might have to cut it off???
This. Was. Serious.