Today was THE day, the one she'd marked on her calendar and waited for so diligently. Yes, waited which meant the Gryffindor wouldn't be feeling anymore inclined to wait
now. They said you had to be of age to take these and that wait had taken long enough. None of that waiting for the school seminar rubbish. She wouldn't be having it and she wouldn't be leaving here without her license either otherwise this trip would be a waste.
Lex might have opted to sit if she wasn't feeling so restless and anxious to get it all over with. Nothing wrong with standing and pacing she supposed.
"I don't think this'll take any time at all. We're brilliant witches and we don't take a century to learn things so..." Why should it take long. It shouldn't even take all day because they still had to explore MLE.
After Lottie stepped from the book, Lex took the quill and scribbled.
Name: Alexa Cambridge
Reason: Apparition license, now would be nice
If that didn't send the right message then she didn't know what would...unless the person happened to have a bad temper...saw it and thought they were being impatient and rude, but what were the odds of that happening?
No nerves here, just raw impatience. She had, afterall, been waiting MONTHS for this.