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Old 08-17-2014, 02:26 AM   #130 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Ravaora Silverkin View Post

And the scratching continued. No doubt about it, a worsening condition even as she sat there. How did she not know she was sick with the proof right there before her? "Nerves are a clear cut sign of Overwhleming Overtiredness Patient Syndrome, for which I am sure you are suffering." The fidgeting wasn't going unnoticed in case the woman had been hoping and it was only making Ravaora more concerned.

"The scratching is common too. Pruritusism. You'd be surprized at how common it is and it's usually linked to high levels of stress associated with the workplace."

Was she understanding?
Aahhh so her sickness has a named, it was called Overwhelming Overtiredness Patient Syndrome. Now that made sense and why she was scratching. "Ah okay I see what you mean..." she told the doctor unable to stop scratching. "Is there a cure to help me stop scratching?" she asked pointing to her irritated skin from where she was scratching. Aahh stress from the workplace? That made even more sense too. She was constantly stressed and had anxiety. "Ermm miss would anxiety be the cause of the disease too?"
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