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Old 08-12-2014, 01:29 PM   #61 (permalink)
formerly: PhoenixStar

Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 21,878
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AJ had money. AJ had money. AJ had money, hey, hey, hey, hey. It was goblin time and the lion was not able to hide her excitement. The rumors were true. EEP. She wondered if she could pet it. Better yet, could she have her very own goblin? It would be nice to have a back up plan incase her unicorn fell through.

There was a line, and AJ raced over to stand behind the last person. She was having problems staying still though. Jumping up and down in place happened partly because she was THAT excited, and partly because she couldn't see the action over the tall dude in her line of vision. Move over, dude. Was it her turn yet?
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