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Taking the rest of the other end of the compartment, Connor spread out as well, he was good and comfy now. Mmmhmm. "I'm sure you thought so but you're never really free." He said and did his best evil laugh, well more like he attempted, he wasn't evil at all.
"My Mom got me a job with one of her friend's husbands. He has a Private Detective firm, i'll just be answering phones and taking notes and stuff." It wasn't that important. "A week? I'm sure i can manage that at some point." He needed his best friend, couldn't go all summer without.
Jun couldn't help but snort.
"With you as my best friend, I'm never going to be free. I'm trapped," Not that he even minded. Connor was the best best friend the older boy had every had. He somehow put up with Jun this entire term after all the things he put the poor lion through. True friend right there.
"Ah, right the firm thing," Jun could never remember. He just remembered that Connor got a summer job and that was it.
"Good. I have two weeks off in July and in August from the program. But then I have Disneyland and a wedding," Too much going on.