<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Things were looking up. Benny had accepted her apology, and Gus was being a super good audience for her. "Then he would be an awesome best friend," she said completely finishing Adi's sentence for him. There were far worse things to be other than a chatterbox. AJ couldn't imagine Benny every being one of those, but who knows. Maybe Angel would get him out of his shell. People sometimes changed when they got into relationships.
Then out of nowhere Adi jumped up and it looked like he was going to help her with her alphabet demonstration. Did he want to dance with her? She grabbed his outstretched hands and moved with him. "He seems to be listening." Whether or not he was grasping it was a whole different story. "J is for jaguar, ja, ja, jaguar. K is koala, ka, ka, koala." Still holding on to Adi's she spun around with him as she sang. C'mon Gus, give us a sign. One little croak.