anyone ^^ A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
After placing his luggage at the assigned appartments and hoisting a travel bag over his shoulders, Kevin searched for a place to sit. He walked through the front car corridor lazily , checking the compartments. Many of them were full to the point that he wasn’t able to sit down. And he wanted to so he kept searching. Mweh, if he had to search even further he would be sitting at the back train and that was a big no no for him. So he opened up the first compartment he saw and went in.
He threw his bag on the ground and sat down while stretching his arms. “Aaah freedom!” no more dungeon no more detentions no more stupid politeness and stupid professors …he was free! ……until he got out of the train. Ugh, he did not want to go home and see his father. Maybe he could run away? Or stay at the leaky cauldron? He had money! A few sickles…that he had stolen. Would that be enough? He ran his a hand through his hair in frustration before looking outside the window.
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