~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi finally looked at AJ as she spoke to Gus. "Want to hold him? He's all friendly and he likes the girls especially. He tried once to kiss my friend Hannah once. Well, if you'd call licking her face kissing.'' Adi grinned at the memory. It was one of his favourite memories. "He'd be a lot cooler if he croaked the alphabet already,'' he said, drawing the conversation back to the toad. "When I adopted him two summers ago, the dude who gave him to me said he could do the alphabet croak.'' Never the less, Adi loved his toady very much.
The Hufflepuff shot a glance in Benny's and Angel's direction. "What's up with those two?'' he asked in a whisper. Angel was acting...strange. She wasn't super hyper. She was acting all mature. This threw Adi off. So much that he couldn't even make a joke at Benny. Or was it the headache's fault?
The good thing about Ian sitting next to him meant AJ had to sit somewhere else. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as she sat next to Ian, the only other available space, and felt a ting of regret despite himself.