Thread: Staff Table
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Old 08-10-2014, 04:55 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Third Year
x10 x1
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

SPOILER!!: Romanos not Chort Leader
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post


"I...thank you?" Was this...a thing?

Peaking towards Airey, she raised an eyebrow. Evil accomplice? Goodness, was this really what the kids were talking about? Not that it wasn't so far from the truth. Maybe with a few pranks here and there, but chorts? Them?

*snort* pet pet kitten pet.

The new and improved felix felicised Zander nodded. "You're welcome!" ... Well she did say thank you. He gave the woman and firm nod, even though she looked at Flailsteed all funny (what was that about), before walking away from her.

All in a days work, my friend.

SPOILER!!: Captain Airey
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
He was just about to sit down properly - mostly because he was laughing too much at the other Hufflepuff asking Javy and Piers to adopt her - when Mr. Adair suddenly appeared started apologizing for....what now? He caught Medea's look, who he was still slightly mad at for the whole FELINE thing, and gave his shoulders a small shrug. But, for whatever reason, he wasn't upset or overly confused by all this. In fact, he was far more amused by it all. It wasn't like the astronomer exactly had a clean record with not putting students in danger. Ice cream anyone?

"You have quite the active imagination, Mr. Adair!" Airey grinned at the young man. "I think you should run with this theory and write a story about it." Perhaps not with himself and Medea as the lead villains though. Airey would have made a terrible dark wizard. "I have seen some great literary potential in your assignments for me. Could be a good starting point for something bigger!"

And then he could also say that he had taught a published author. Mmmhmmm.

Imagination?! No. It was a real thing. They were evil. Except not anymore. At least not according to that Lotus girl and she was a SIXTH YEAR so she knew what she was talking about. Either way, Zander didn't reply to the imagination part because there was just other stuff to use his energy AND ADRENALINE on!! Not being worried was just SO much fun!! This stuff was GREAT!! Was this how that how devil-child Zahra felt like all the time?

A STORY!? WAIT A MINUTE. "THAT'S BRILLIANT PROFESSOR!!" Why was he speaking so loudly? The man was sitting right in front of him... But the excitement, you know!? It was just too much to keep contained. He wanted to just release it alll!! Ahem. "I think I will! I will write a story!! And you can be in it if you want!! It'll be AWESOME!"

Heh. Zander Adair Author, Professional of COOL. Maybe it was his lucky day, huh?

SPOILER!!: Beautiful Bentley
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Gravy, gravy, gravy............ it was what love was made of.

Seren was casually pouring from the gravy boat when a figure stopped abruptly in front of her part of the table. Oh loooook, it was Zander. "Hello Zander, enjoying the feast?" she asked, pausing in her gravy pouring for a moment. The bouquet of flowers being thrust her way caught her attention, and so her gaze fixed on the different varieties. It was a stunning bouqet, so bright and cheerful looking. "Awww, thank you Zander, they're beautiful." She quickly abandoned the gravy boat in exchage for thhe bouquet, and brought them close to her face to give them a sniff. The perfume was beautiful...


And what was that? They made... sounds? She turned her ear to them, but couldn't make much out of it over the sound of them all babbling in chorus and her colleagues deep in conversation... and the hall full of conversation and clinking plates and cutlery.

"They're charming," she stated simply, sure she would be able to better appreciate them later.

Of course... then there was Kevin.

She looked up the table toward the seated Lion, yelling, and then back to Zander.

"You have something to say to me?" she asked, curious.

SPOILER!!: Kevin you are actually a good friend ok. Don't listen to the haters
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Just then, Zander appeared at the staff table holding a bouquet of flowers and looking FAR TOO confident for Kevin’s liking. What had happened? Had he hit his head and gave him false confidence? Because THIS Zander just wasn’t ZANDER you know? He didn’t even have time to wave back at him , that’s how confused Kevin was but he did however lean a bit forward to see where he was going to….BENTLEY?! WAS HE…WHAT WAS …HUUUUH?! YA! THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL! ZANDER ADAIR YOU’RE STILL UNDER THE BLACKMAIL! But still, seeing the confident look and manners, Kevin was kind of proud. His little disciple was growing uuup….even though Kevin was younger… “COME ON ZANDER! SAY IT!” he cheered, forgetting about manners and being polite. His FRIEND needed him right now!

It was so funny because he was so excited about the flowers that he TOTALLY missed the question. Okay, so not that funny. He was too busy looking into her beautiful, deep eyes to laugh. He was ENTRANCED. Even under this potion, she was still GORGEOUS. And that is why he didn't say anything. Nothing at all. Just breathing and watching and melting. BUT THEN, he snapped right out of it when she took the bouquet.

"Awww, thank you Zander, they're beautiful." Insert snort here? No. No. He would not snort. But the blushing thing, that was still a thing. "Just like you, Professor." snort. WAIT-- DID HE SAY THAT OUT LOUD!?...... Oops! Oh well, the new and IMPROVED liquid luck Zander didn't even worry about it. What was this and could he have this stuff ALL THE TIME PLEASE?

Just then, he heard a shout from a little ways away. KEVIN!! He gave his friend a gigantic goofy smile. And waved super enthusiastically, then gave the boy a thumbs up. It was funny how supportive his fellow Gryffindor was being considering how he laughed when Zander had first told him about his undying love for the woman. But the support was nice and most definitely appreciated. Except for... Say it?? Well he had been planning to let the flowers do all the speaking for him except it was kind of hard to hear them while everyone else was talking around them.

The Gryffindor winced when the Head Mistress reprimanded Kevin. He was only trying to be a good supportive friend!! It wasn't fair! Still looking at the boy, Zander tried to give him a look to show that he was NOT on the same page as the headmistress. Hmph. But, "say his goodbyes to Professor Bentley IN PRIVATE"??? But no, no headmistress ma'am this wasn't goodbye THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!

Turning back to Professor Perfection, he kept the goofy grin plastered on his face. What did he want to say? Well he couldn't just propose to her in front of all these people! What if she was more of the private kind of woman? He wouldn't want to offend her! No, the proposal must wait. "Just that I think you're the best, kindnest, and prettiest Professor--no, PERSON, EVER!!"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Lemon!
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