Angel, Benny, Ian & Adi <--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
While she was trying to have a whispered conversation with Benny, AJ caught Angel's eye. She knew the look all too well, but what she didn't know was why she was giving it to her. I'm not trying to steal your man, okay? Jeeze... people were sensitive around here. She looked at Adi when he asked her a question. "I dunno." She really didn't know why she asked... it wasn't the normal for her. When the conversation turned to Adi's frog, AJ hopped up and ventured over to her hufflepuff friend. "Duh, how could I forget?" she asked as she smacked her hand against her forehead. "Me, afraid of a toad? Yeah, right." Did he forget who he was talking to? "Hey there, Gus." Without hesitation AJ reached over and petted Gus on his little toad head. "He's cool, Adi."
They had an addition to the compartment. "Hey Ian." He had walked over and sat down next to Adi. Now where was she going to sit? Obviously not over there by Benny and Angel and run the risk of her sister shooting daggers at her the entire ride home. She wasn't sure if something was going on with Adi, but there was something about him that was off. Could she just sit in the floor and put headphones on? That seemed to be the safest bet. AJ looked back in the direction of Ian and Adi, and was relieved to see that Ian had left some room on the other side of him. The lion walked over and sat by him. "Getting a head start on our plan?" She was referring to them all meeting up and eating the sweet shop out of merch.
Last edited by MudInMyBlood; 08-10-2014 at 04:33 AM.