Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Cosgrach Quote:
Originally Posted by StarShine He waited for her to acknowledge him, and held out a hand to shake. "It was a pleasure to work with you, Seren," he said politely and amiably, "and I believe congratulations are in order." For Gryffindor win. It must be a proud moment for her, that her house won the cup as a goodbye present to her.
Hand, there was a hand in her presence, which brought her back to reality - pulling her from her million and one thoughts. It was Cosgrach. Smiling as brightly as she could muster right now, she took his hand and gave it a gentle shake. "And likewise, it was an absolute pleasure working with you too, Cosgrach," she returned. "Yes, yes, thank you," she added for the congratulations. Despite all the woes he came to her about, the Lions still did well to secure the top spot. SPOILER!!: Cassie Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Her smile grew as Seren said she such nice things. "I've soooo enjoyed my term. Even with the cold it was amazing to get to know everyone. I'm very excited to see what next term will bring." She was always one to enjoy the next exciting thing and what was more exciting than the thought of a new term in a few months. Hugging the herbology professor she nodded. "Of course, of course. We will all look after each other. I hope you keep in touch and have wonderful adventures." She beamed happily knowing the woman must have big plans. [/color]
Cassie was easy to get along with, she was vibrant, and though sometimes you couldn't look directly at her, for fear of being blinded... it was nice that she was so, warm. The talk of next term though, that was a little depressing. In her eyes, there was no next term. But the life here would go on without her. "And I wish you all the very best, I truly do," she added, for the sake of speaking. It was hard now.
The blondes reassurances were appreciated, and it wasn't something she particularly doubted would happen, but it was nice to be sure. "Thank you, Cassie." She needed to hear that. "I most certainly will. I'll likely visit for Hogsmeade days too, so I'm sure this won't be our last meeting." SPOILER!!: Bunz Speeeeech Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl "First of all, Cece," the Headmistress snapped out of her zone when the Healer OF COURSE piped up, "THANK YOU for demonstrating how NOT to address someone for young Mr. Hirase here." She turned her head toward the Healer to give her a cold, level stare. Annie had honestly had enough of Tillstorm's sass for this school year, and she was not about to be told how to discipline a student at HER school and HER feast.
Discipline had always been one of Annie's strengths.
"Secondly," oh no, Healer, she wasn't finished with you yet, "Kevin is seated here as part of his detention. He has lost the privileges to sit with his Housemates and cause trouble over there. So, his behavior at this feast will indicate to me how he will be starting next school... or IF he will be starting it at all. I will thank you NOT to jump to conclusions on MY policies in the future and kindly keep your opinions to yourself."
Privately, she was quite proud of how Kevin had winked at the woman and all that. It was hilarious to watch. But, publicly, the redhead had to maintain a cold and stoic expression. So with her last remark, the Headmistress turned her nose up at the woman and instead focused on the other side of the table, where the astronut was in hysterics yet again.
She did, however, mutter toward Kevin since he was sitting on that side of her and she was certain the Healer wouldn't hear: "Watch it, Hirase." "Cassie," she calmly greeted the Divination professor, even giving the woman a smile for her compliment, "thank you! I hope you enjoyed your first ter---- AWWW, are those YOUR baby kitties?!!" SEH CUTE. SEH CUTE. And carrying them with her in a travel purse? GENIUS!!!!!!
Annie would have leaned past Kevin to pet the kitties on any other occasion, but since she was getting hungry, it was high time to start this feast. She cleared her throat loudly and sent a LOOK to Flamsteed, along with a low, "Get back in your seat," hissed reprimand. Because he needed it.
Then she stood and smoothed out her dress, moving along the dais to give her short and sweet speech. "Good evening," the Headmistress' magnified voice echoed across the Great Hall. "Welcome to the conclusion of another successful term. Obviously we have had to weather a few odd circumstances," ha ha punny, right? "But rest assured that the rest of the wizarding world is fully enjoying their June, and after tonight, you will be too." She faked a smile for the students. "As always, we have a few goodbyes to say this term, some to our friends, some to our departing professors, but we also have a few congratulations! Congratulations go out to Gryffindor on their successfully winning the House Cup, and to Slytherin on winning the Gobstones Cup. Congratulations to us ALL, also, as no one died or aged this term."
She almost said 'or was injured' but a glance at the staff table reminded her that that wasn't true. So, with those announcements, Bunz led the tables in a round of applause. "One final announcement: please be careful going out to the carriages, and seventh years, if I were you, I wouldn't risk being bold and stupid and taking the boats across the icy lake to the train station. Just take a carriage. It's still cold outside, WE KNOW, but we're working on it."
And that was that. Speech given, the food had appeared and the Headmistress hurried back to her seat to grab something warm.
Falling silent as Annie rose to address the school, Seren listened, her eyes drawn to Gryffindor and all her wonderful students. They deserved this, this was a celebration for them. She applauded at the right times but for the most part, didn't take in everything - and was certainly not attentive by the end of the speech, however brief it was.
But oh look... there was food. SPOILER!!: Lux Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy One of the stops that Lux felt she needed to make before heading home was the staff table. The staff at Hogwarts were awesome and she wanted to say goodbye to them for the summer. And Professor Bentley... NOPE she was not going to think about one of her favourite Professors and her honorary Head of House leaving forever.
Reaching the table, she smiled at everyone sitting there. "Hello, I hope you all will have an amazing summer. Thank you for the awesome classes this term." It was great to see Mr. Kitridge feeling better. "I am so glad you are okay now, Mr. Kitridge." Poor man. He had been out cold for a lot longer than Bay had been.
Finally her eyes rested on Professor Bentley. "Do you really have to go?" She didn't want Professor Bentley to go. Lux could already feel that she was going to end up crying.
She was starting to pile food on her plate when Lux arrived, in front of her... ... and that question. Merlin. She dropped the roast potato she was holding in a pair of tongs onto her plate, and settled it on the side of the serving dish.
Her honorary Lion. ".... I'm afraid it's my time," she replied softly, only aware after the fact that is almost sounded like she was dying, which she wasn't. There would be none of that. Seren offered Lux a small smile, the girl would live. SPOILER!!: Zander Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack After walking in and out of the entrance hall a total of FIVE times. He finally decided that it was now or never. The Headmistress had finally given her speech and everything was going smoothly-- Or as smoothly as they could considering he was now DRENCHED in his own sweat and STILL shaking. Oh Merlin. This wasn't going to be good. Upon walking towards the Staff Table he suddenly remembered-- THE LIQUID LUCK! Shoutout to Professor Culloden who may have actually helped calm the kid down for once. Liquid luck. What a better time to use it? The Gryffindor took the small vial out of his pocket, counted to three, and then DRANK IT ALL UP. ..... Was he supposed to feel any different because--
HOLY MERLIN! Woah. Did this stuff also have a elixir of-cheery-whatever that Lex had mentioned earlier because, man. He was feeling a whole less nervous and a whole lot more... Confident? This must be what Kevin felt like ALL THE TIME. YEAH! He could totally do this. Definitely.
There was definitely something different about the Gryffindor. Visibly it would be hard to tell exactly what. Did he get a hair cut? Was that a new tie? No. He was just carrying himself much, much differently. His back was straight, his head was held high, and he was sporting a REAL smile- instead of that weak nervous one from before. He was the new, and improved, Felix Felicis-ed Zander Adair. He even felt confident enough to take the bouquet of flowers he was holding behind his back and move them out right in front of them. Holding proudly. He was ready. Bring. It. On.
Of course he had used the spell Sophie had done that one time to make the bouquet, Orchideous, except this wasn't just any old assortment. He had to try extra hard to make the exact flowers that he wanted. This was special. There were four different kinds of flowers. Each had their own significance: The Daffodils (You're the only one), The Camellias (Perfection), Primroses (I can't live without you), and the Yellow Tulips (There's sunshine in your smile). This combination was only the MOST perfect description of Beautiful Bentley, ever. But there was a twist. These flowers, yeah, they also talked. He had used the "Excito Animans" spell- that was SUPER difficult to figure out- to make them all SPEAK their meanings. It didn't work exactly how he had planned, because they all sort of spoke at once, making the speech a little difficult to figure out. But if you listened real carefully, REAL carefully, then you might just pick it all up.
With the talking bouquet in hand, the Gryffindor made his way down the table: first starting at the end by Botros because he had to talk to Flamsteed and Romanos, normally he wouldn't go for it, BUT THE LIQUID LUCK MAN, it was EMPOWERING! Passing Flamsteed first and walking directly up to Romanos the Gryffindor proclaimed in only his most obnoxious voice, "Hi Professor Romanos! I just want to say that I'm sorry that I thought you were an evil Cold One slash Chort leader that was going to take over the whole school and eat us all for dinner and some for lunch and maybe even breakfast too, if you're into that I guess it's cool!" Could he breathe now? Yes. This was where he finally took a breath because liquid luck did not give you lungs of steel. That was gillyweed right? But anyways, NEXT UP!
Then, turning to Professor Flamsteed, he BEAMED. "And Professor, I'm really sorry that I thought you were her evil accomplice that came up with the ideas and not the executions, to help take over the school and control the evil Cold One slash Chort Army!!" MORE BREATHS because a boy's got to breath. Man! How long would this stuff last because he was TOTALLY INVINCIBLE. All the while, the Gryffindor had been trying to hold the flowers AS FAR AWAY as possible because they all felt the need to keep screaming words like "you're the only one" and "sunshine" and "love". Geeeez. Maybe he should've charmed them right before he handed them over.
AND This was it. The moment he had been waiting for. *INSERT LOTS OF DEEP BREATHS HERE*
He could do this. He was Zander Adair, resident Gryffindor. Brave. Almost fourth year. He could do this. "Enjoy the present… Decide what to do with the time that is given to you… use it epically…" Wise words from Airey Flamsteed kept replaying in his mind. "Enjoy the present… Decide what to do with the time that is given to you… use it epically…" Yes. It was his time to shine.
The Gryffindor walked confidently, another shout out to Professor C, and waved at Kevin as he passed. Then, he made an abrupt stop. An abrupt stop right in front of Hogwarts' resident Herbology Angel. The perfect, the most talented, the entrancing, the ever-so-lovely: Beautiful Bentley. He BEAMED at her. Thanks to the liquid luck he didn't even freeze! This stuff was great, could he get a life time supply? Raising the flowers towards Professor Perfection he smiled. Might as well let the flowers do all the talking, right? Right. Again, they were all screaming at once, but if you listened carefully words like "perfection", "can't live without you", and "sunshine" could most certainly be heard. And now he waits.
Gravy, gravy, gravy............ it was what love was made of.
Seren was casually pouring from the gravy boat when a figure stopped abruptly in front of her part of the table. Oh loooook, it was Zander. "Hello Zander, enjoying the feast?" she asked, pausing in her gravy pouring for a moment. The bouquet of flowers being thrust her way caught her attention, and so her gaze fixed on the different varieties. It was a stunning bouqet, so bright and cheerful looking. "Awww, thank you Zander, they're beautiful." She quickly abandoned the gravy boat in exchage for thhe bouquet, and brought them close to her face to give them a sniff. The perfume was beautiful...
And what was that? They made... sounds? She turned her ear to them, but couldn't make much out of it over the sound of them all babbling in chorus and her colleagues deep in conversation... and the hall full of conversation and clinking plates and cutlery. "They're charming," she stated simply, sure she would be able to better appreciate them later.
Of course... then there was Kevin. Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Just then, Zander appeared at the staff table holding a bouquet of flowers and looking FAR TOO confident for Kevin’s liking. What had happened? Had he hit his head and gave him false confidence? Because THIS Zander just wasn’t ZANDER you know? He didn’t even have time to wave back at him , that’s how confused Kevin was but he did however lean a bit forward to see where he was going to….BENTLEY?! WAS HE…WHAT WAS …HUUUUH?! YA! THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL! ZANDER ADAIR YOU’RE STILL UNDER THE BLACKMAIL! But still, seeing the confident look and manners, Kevin was kind of proud. His little disciple was growing uuup….even though Kevin was younger… “COME ON ZANDER! SAY IT!” he cheered, forgetting about manners and being polite. His FRIEND needed him right now! She looked up the table toward the seated Lion, yelling, and then back to Zander. "You have something to say to me?" she asked, curious. Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay
Nessa couldn't help but to allow her brown eyes to follow the Herbology professor as she made her way to her seat. She looked so pleased and the brunette couldn't blame her, in fact she was very happy for her. And her smile seemed contagious. "Congratulations!" she beamed at the woman as she leaned towards her. "You must be so pleased." What a wonderful send-off for the woman. The voice to her side caught her attention, and of course it was Nessa. "Thank you," she trilled. "I really am, so very proud and delighted," she confirmed, because pleased was a little bit of an understatement. A lot of energy went into this term, despite the temptation to hibernate. "Did you enjoy your first term here?" she asked politely, making conversation. It was a crying shame they hadn't had many opportunities throughout the busy term to get to know one another a bit better. SPOILER!!: Airey Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Well, not exactly. He could think of a few ways that it could be better - like there having been a Quidditch Cup this term and lions taking it for example - but his smile only widened further.
Oh, pity. She hadn't been up to the common room yet. Probably just as well. He suspected that the Herbologist would probably have been in tears right now if she had seen what students had assisted him in constructing. She seemed the type to be emotionally moved by this sort of thing. No tears, alright Seren. He was pretty sure those would make him even more awkward and uncomfortable than a student's tears. "If I told you it would ruin the surprise. But I would suggest tonight. I am sure the lions would prefer an celebratory evening over a somber morning."
With packing and lugging all of their things out of the dorms and all.
Ruin the surprise?............. Merlin. They hadn't broken anything had they? Or ... messed something up? She wasn't sure what to expect really, but if it was by design, it could be almost anything. "Hhmm... alright, alright, tonight it is," she replied, grin back in place. Of course she would prefer celebration to the mournful morning goodbyes... that would be too hard. SPOILER!!: Adi Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Finally! They could go have a chat with the Professors. Adi was on his way to speak mostly to Bentley and Morgan but he just had to acknowledge everyone there. First up, Botros and Flamsteed. Adi had seen the drama involving what appeared to be kittens and he was still shaking with laughter at Airey's reaction. "Nice suit, Professor Flamsteed. Going scuba diving soon?'' Or what ever it was they did in those suits. "Hi, Professor Botros. Hope you don't loose anymore of your Remembralls.'' "Hello, Professor Domingo. I hope you'll be taking the Arithmancy classes next term.'' Please?
Next up, Professors Thompson, Fuller and Romanos. "Professors! Hi! Have a great summer. Oh and Professor Thompson, thanks for the lesson about Hippogriffs. That was my favourite. Too bad we couldn't have a ride on Henry though.'' That had disappointed him terribly. "Professor Cassie,'' Adi said happily upon reaching one of his favourite Professors. "How are you? Um, I think you made a mistake. I don't understand how I ended up on the list of top students.'' Really. There was a mistake! "Hi, Headmistress, Healer Tillstorm.'' Did the Healer remember him? Back then when he met her he had been sporting a beard thanks to Professor French. Adi walked past Bentley. He'd come back to her last. "Professors Glendower, Mr. Kitridge, Professor Head of House. Have a great summer.'' Meh. Adi didn't have much to say. That is, until he came to Professor Cosgrach. Another favourite Professor of his. "Professor! Hello!'' Adi grinned broadly. iHow was it Cosgrach was one of the coolest Professors EVER? The Hufflepuff really had thought he had been a strict one. "Thank you for the ingredients and the potion ,'' he added in a whisper. "Enjoy your summer, Professor Bellaire.'' Grin.
Annnnd back in the direction of Bentley. Adi was sad to see her go. The persons, whoever they are,that would take her place as Professor of Herbology, Gryffindor Head of House and Deputy Head had a lot to live up to. "Professor Bentley, Hello.'' Adi gave her one of his friendly, always happy grin. "You've done a great job especially at Herbology. I've enjoyed each of your lessons for the three years I've been here. I'm going to miss you.'' Now could he give her a hug?
Oh goodness, gracious.
Seren peered over the table at Adi, the sweet young Badger, of course with his trademark grin, she couldn't help but do the same. "Hello Adi," she greeted warmly. His words touched her deeply, and she could feel a tear welling in the corner of her eye. This was so hard, and so lovely at the same time. "Thank you, thank you..." she started, lost for words, "it's been such a pleasure having you in my lessons, and rest assured I'll miss you too... I'll miss all of you..." and she was terrible at goodbyes, didn't believe in them either.
She dropped her cutlery to her plate, her appetite had already been waning anyway. "Come here," she commanded, rising from her seat to wrap her arms around the boy. Departing Herbologist needed hugs, she did, so she would get them. SPOILER!!: Fina Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising She turned to look back at her flower friend and smiled at her response about her lions. "Of course. But yes, I understand what you mean. They really persevered to earn the win." She nodded, trying to hold back the sadness she felt at the thoughts of not seeing Seren at the dais next term. She would definitely be arranging Hogsmeade meetings with her at the Three Broomsticks or something. And there was going to be some serious girl!bonding after the feast too. Last one. "They really did...." It had been a beautiful sight to see.
Of course, it was strange to think they'd be going separate ways, no longer in such close proximity for much of the year. It was going to take some getting used to. "You'll have to owl me every week, I doubt very much Derfael will keep me so busy I won't have time to reply." And this way she could keep up with the happenings at the school too - she was still vested in Hogwarts, despite leaving it.
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