Adi & Benny <--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Her first year of Hogwarts was officially over, and AJ still wasn't sure how she felt about that. She had lost her sisters in the commotion and she figured that it would be easier just to meet up with them on the train. Her trunk was rolling behind her as she peeked into each compartment for familiar faces. She already knew who she wanted to sit with, it was just a matter of finding them.
As she peeked into the next compartment, she saw Benny which meant that Adi was near. Sure enough Adi was there with his toad. Not to mention she spotted Angel with her head on Benny's shoulder. How did she miss that the first go round? "Hey guys, can I sit with you" Not that she really needed to ask, right? She picked up her trunk and placed it in the top compartment with a little bit of trouble, but she managed it eventually. "I didn't know you had a toad," she said as she made her way over to Adi. That was pretty cool. AJ was still thinking about which magical creature that she wanted since obviously unicorns were off limits.