♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship It was the end of term already. END OF TERM. How had that already happened? Emmylou shrugged and made her way on to the front cars of the train. The third almost fourth year was so happy to finally change out of her robes. She felt like she had been wearing them for way to long. She thought they were pretty comfortable but she didn't want to still be wearing them when she got off the train.
Now that she was changed into a white tank top, dark denim shorts and her favorite cowboy boots, Emmylou looked around for a compartment that would fit her, Kace, Bay, Cinna and Luxness. She knew that she would have a hard time finding one because there weren't a lot of people on the train yet. The fourteen year old really wanted a window seat but she also had to save seats for her friends!
The blonde smiled when she finally found the perfect compartment, it was towards the back of the first train. She beamed and bounced a little bit. She was ready to go back home and lay in the sun forever. Sh didn't like the wintery weather in general so she knew that should have to pack some warmer clothes next term. It was hard to believe that it was already time to leave. Lux was excited to go home because it meant she could go back to the heat and escape from the coldness of the castle. Hopefully she would be able to see Bay over the summer though there were owls if his parents were very strict.
Spotting Emmy in a compartment, Lux eagerly entered. "Emmy!" Hug for her bestie. Now the others needed to arrive and everything would be prefect. |