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It was the end of the year.
Leah was looking forward to a relaxing and quiet train ride back home. She smiled at the thought of summer as she took a seat in the nearest empty compartment she could find. She was very excited to go home, away from the cold.
The Hufflepuff curled up on the seat, placing her bag on the seat next to her. But.. did Leah want to just sleep and rest? No, definitely not. This was boring. Maybe she should go to look for her friends. The thought of getting up and running around the corridor disappeared as she became all comfy in the seat. Okay maybe she should take a short nap first.
Ugh, being back on the train was great. It was such a terrible term, and the upcoming seventh year boy just wanted to go back home. At least next term would be a fresh new start. And his final term. Oh, it would be a joy to be done with school. Though he'd obviously miss people, Jun preferred not to be at a boarding school much too longer. Walking onto the train and looking for a compartment, his brown eyes peeked through each window. Maybe there was someone familiar he could sit with at least? Yes? Please? He hadn't spotted his best friend nor his girlfriend yet. Maybe he'll go looking for them later.
Just as he was about to give up and head towards the middle carts, the boy spotted a little someone. Lucky her; managed to get a compartment to herself because the stampede of students rushed onto the train. Grinning, Jun slid the door open and stepped in.
"Would you like some company?" He asked Leah, closing the door and sitting himself down before an answer anyway. Oh well.
"Happy to be going home?"