Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | not even gonna reply to you, Cece *snubs* :P Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB It was like the instant she gave her speech, all the children came out of the woodwork. Goodness gracious to Merlin, they would NEVER have a meal in peace. EVER. She'd have to make up some rule about not leaving one's table before next term started. Mhmm.
Anastasia grumpily spooned potatoes and green beans on to her place, then took a generous helping of roast beef. No one was up here bringing her going-away flowers. Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi For years, Kevin had always thought that sitting at the staff table would mean some kind of glory or power rush. But he was wrong. This table had by FAR the most immature people …Flamsteed in his wetsuit and sitting on Botros lap, obviously trying to get away from the cute kittens that Morgan brought with her. Tillstorm badmouthing the Headmistress , which was actually kind of funny, and probably being a sore loser that her Snakes hadn’t won the cup.
He did however see the narrowed eyes from Culloden directed to him but he simply ignored it and instead focused his attention on Bentley who had smiled and waved at him. The Gryffindor waved back before he turned to the Headmistress after she had done her speech.. He knew he wasn’t allowed to speak but honestly, did he care? No. He just had to speak…politely…ugh how did one even do that all the time? “Are you sure it was a good idea to let me learn manners from these?” he raised an eyebrow as he added a “Headmistress?” to sound less rude. And also. During her speech she had spoken about a few leaving. Not just the students but staff as well. She hadn’t mention WHO though. “And who is leaving?”………” I mean, Headmistress, could you tell me who from the staff is leaving? I want to say goodbye” yeah not really, he just wanted to laugh cause said person was probably not qualified enough bwahaha.
Just then, Zander appeared at the staff table holding a bouquet of flowers and looking FAR TOO confident for Kevin’s liking. What had happened? Had he hit his head and gave him false confidence? Because THIS Zander just wasn’t ZANDER you know? He didn’t even have time to wave back at him , that’s how confused Kevin was but he did however lean a bit forward to see where he was going to….BENTLEY?! WAS HE…WHAT WAS …HUUUUH?! YA! THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL! ZANDER ADAIR YOU’RE STILL UNDER THE BLACKMAIL! But still, seeing the confident look and manners, Kevin was kind of proud. His little disciple was growing uuup….even though Kevin was younger… “COME ON ZANDER! SAY IT!” he cheered, forgetting about manners and being polite. His FRIEND needed him right now! Oh great, who let the lion out of the bag?
"I'm not sure you're going to learn them anywhere," she admitted, tearing a croissant up with her hands for lack of something else to do, "...Kevin," she added, to sound less rude just like him. "They aren't the best behaved bunch," and her eyes wandered down to Flamsteed's end of the table, "but they are the staff. They are adults. They DO know better, I assure you. They just get a little excited this time of year." And when they were around their friends.
"Mister Hirase!" she hissed, picking up her fork and rapping his knuckles with it. "Calm yourself! Let Mr. Adair say his goodbyes to Professor Bentley IN PRIVATE." Or as private as a raised table above all the other tables could be.... Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker And probably since she was here she might as well talk to the headmistress, she might never see the woman again, who knew. She paused for a while thinking of what to say. Cassia felt like she was the one to wish good luck to the woman in running this school. What a tiring and consuming job. But yeah she probably should think of something else. "Hi!" She addressed Truebridge then paused awkwardly before generating the next words. "I just wanted to thank you," And ask what you use for your hair to make it shine. assuming it's not a wig "For trusting me with a badge and ..everything else," You know she and the headmistress had a couple unfortunate encounters in the past but she liked to think they got over them. After all, she did trust her with responsibility. And speaking of that, she was going to talk to her head of house who seemed to be a bit busy for now with that naughty kid who was promoted to a professor or something apparently. The things you see in this school. You know, Bunz was quite pleased, in the end, in her choice of Head Girl for this year. So when Cassiopeia approached the table, the redhead politely modeled her manners again by putting down her fork and knife and giving the girl a grand smile, as though saying all is forgiven.
For the wig stuff. You know. Forgiven but not forgotten, as a Bunbury NEVER forgets.
"You are quite welcome, Miss Somerlad. Might I say that you did a great job this term?" She raised her eyebrows slightly and extended a hand across the table. "Congratulations on your graduation." What would this castle be like without a Cambridge-Somerlad duo next year?!! Maybe it would be peaceful for once. HA! Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 "Hi, Headmistress," DO NOT SAY HI TO THE HEALER, HEY! SHE IS RUDE! "Hello Adi," Bunz nodded to the Badger as she took a sip of water. "Great job representing your House this year." Because she paid attention to Hufflepuff points, uh huh.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |