Fan Club Officer
MO & DMT Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 4,293
Second Year x10
| Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler SPOILER!!: Hazel Quote:
Originally Posted by OwlEcho63
So Marigold was going to Greece? "Wow, Greece. That should be really fun!" she said. And then she asked about Hazel's summer. "I'm going to my sister's flat in London for a few weeks." And boy was she excited! Marigold nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, the field trip with Hogwarts is in Greece, which is nice. Plus a lot of my friends are going. With the obvious exception of you, of course." Marigold nudged Hazel with her elbow. "Oh! Nice! Does your sister live alone?" That was it was more sister bonding, not that she would know of such a thing. SPOILER!!: Dec Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black [COLOR="DarkRed"] "Uh, hi there." Pat, pat, pat. Wait, Marigold was coming to Greece too, huh? Awesome! Which meant Rorie'll be by herself for the summer. LOL, that sucks. That's what she gets for not coming to Hogwarts! "Excited to go home for a bit?" He asked his younger cousin. "HELLO." Marigold beamed at her cousin. Uhh, definitely excited to go home! "Yep! I'm going to run to Moo's house right away. You remember Moo, right? 'Moo-reen?' My bestest friend and better half?" He'd better. "You can always come over and meet here. We won't part any time soon." SPOILER!!: Dyl Quote:
Originally Posted by Ringo Dylan laughed as Mari ruffled his hair, sinking lower in his seat teasingly as to avoid her hand. She was always doing that y'know, ruffling his hair. And he didn't mind her doing that either. Mari was such a fun person.
He laughed. "Yeah, I agree. I can only stand it for a short amount of time, y'know?" he shook his head, sighing. "Oh, not much. Just a camping trip and I might have Anna," he gestured over to his friend. "Over to stay for the summer. What about you?" he asked. Marigold grinned and patted on Dylan's hair that she had just fluffed up. "Exactly. And ooooh. Camping? Fun fun!" Plus, he had invited her dormmate over, which was sweet. SPOILER!!: Toby Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir "Good deal," Toby nodded, already getting a mental image of himself meting out snacks and treats to hungry first years during the Start of Term Feast next year.
Next year when he would be a fifth year. Uhhh...
Feeling an unfamiliar jolt in his stomach, Toby shifted a little and turned his gaze up towards the staff table to see what was going on. Speech was definitely coming soon, he could feel it in his waters. Or something. Marigold nodded. She would make a mental note of that. She absorbed that thought. At the beginning of fifth year - Merlin.
She was sooooooo not ready for OWLs. Oh, no. She was not. SPOILER!!: Norah Quote:
Originally Posted by Sararara
Norah grinned at the older girl's excited reply. Sitting up on her knees in order to see better, she strained her ears to hear Marigold's reply over the chatter echoing in the Great Hall. Raising her eyebrows slightly, she was mildly taken aback by the girl's answer to her question. Not a good year? But it was Hogwarts! Sure it had been bloody freezing cold and stuff, but that sounded a little extreme. Not wanting to pry, Norah concentrated instead on Marigold's next question. "Term was...cold," she began, but while that was true, it didn't seem to do justice to the entire term, so she continued, "but it was so much fun! All the classes were supermegacrazycool, except for Arithmancy but numbers are just hard..." Noticing she had begun to shout, Norah trailed off and instead channeled her energy into more bouncing. "I can't wait to tell my little brothers all about it! They're going to be so jealous. I just wish I could do magic at home." She stuck out her bottom lift and blew a tuft of hair from her eyes, taking a moment to protest the TOTAL unfairness of that rule before smiling at Marigold again. "What are your plans for the summer?" Marigold giggled a bit. "Cold is a bit of an overstatement, yeah?" Cold didn't even begin to describe the way the lack of heat had wormed its way into her bones and chilled her so much all she could do was huddle under ten pairs of long underwear. Cold wasn't good enough for the fact she had irritable to no end with people she was friends with. Her eyes flickered over to the Gryffindor table again, this time searching out a blonde mischief maker. She turned back to Norah. "It was fun, I suppose." At some parts it had been, but the reason Marigold was affirming Norah was because she didn't want to minimize the girl's first year. At the mention of Arithmancy, Marigold groaned audibly. "I have to take my Arithmancy OWL next year," she said in a terrified voice. She was going to fail that, wasn't she? But she couldn't ignore the fact that Norah's bouncing was cheering her up so so so much. She reached across the table and patted her. "Can you just be my cheererupper next term?" She was adorable. "You get used to the no magic aspect, I promise. Though I don't have anyone to make jealous: my dad does magic every day, mum's muggle, best friend's muggle, yeah. But I'm keeping busy, field trip to Greece, hanging out with friends, y'know. What about you?" SPOILER!!: Kace Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Aahh made sense. He nodded and smiled kindly, he remembered the struggle of trying to send letters. The owls had trouble flying because of the snow storm. "Ah I remember we had a horrible winter for our owls to send letters.." But as he heard who was going to the Greece his face lit up! "Sweet! I didn't know who was going! This should be awesome! Do you know what you wanna do in Greece? Maybe a little shopping?" he asked winking. Marigold nodded. It was a shame. She had needed to send letters even more this term than ever. "Shopping sounds good, but only with you," she said with a grin. |