Originally Posted by
Emms Simon gave a small grin towards Jonas and then paused for a second. Finding topics to talk about was hard when he was thinking of ALL the unpredictable things Agatha could do. "So got a favourite subject?" he tried. Lame Simon. Laaaame topic, man.
Jonas nodded at him. "My faborite subject is a toss up between Care for magical creatures and histpry of magic. Didn't a ghost used to teach that class?" He asked.
Originally Posted by
Mordred Ethan turned his attention to Jonas next. “It’s not too late to make friends you know…” He can go sit at another table and find more students to talk to. Then there was Miss Wayne. What’s going on? “Why don’t you ask, Hapgood?” he asked as he lazily looked at the WITCH. Merlin, she’s really forcing his inner Slytherin to surface.
((Sorry forgot to respond. Hopefully I wont get flagged for double posting. If I am not allowed to double post please let me know))
Jonas turned once again to eathen and nodded. "Yeah, not too late. I have a fear about being friendless. A small and probably uselsess but still"